To make these development points achievable and the Pop-Up store successful, we will need to devise into teams and tackle each one head on.
Better donations can be handled simply by all of us looking through our wardrobes at home as well as friends and families to find as many clothing items as possible we can sell on to make our £250 target.
More advertisement and better social media presence is handled by the marketing team. We have made posters, flyers and have used our own personal Instagram’s and social medias to promote the Pop-Up and get more people to come. We also will ask Traid to post it on their Instagram so their followers will see it too. A plan for the running of the day is being done by the logistics team who are working out where we need to be and when as well as giving everyone a slot for breaks and list of jobs for the end of day. Finally, strong and engaging windows will be done by whoever, from the logistics’ team, is in charge of windows, this will also be dependent on the donations we get and what outfits we can put together.
As part of our Pop-Up store, we need to work as a group to make it successful. This will have to be done through a series of development points. These are: