Fashion Odds (April 15', Issue 11.) | Page 17

MagnaReady: Techie Features.

Fashion and technology are merging together more and more. From watches that can answer phones calls to shoes that can help track activity levels and fitness, men’s love of gadgets is finding its way into their closets. fashion designer, Amanda Boyd and two seamstresses.

Parcs & Parker Re-launches, And Its Amazing.

We are in love with Parcs And Parker re-launch of #NoLabels, taking there line into a unisex lane, this relaunch includes eyewear,hats and necklaces.

IHeartRadio Red Carpet

The IHeartRadio Music Awards. The stars came dress to kill. Here are the best looks on the red carpet.

Nike Shoes for Spring

Nike has been stepping up its game recently in making athletic/active shoes trendy-friendly. You can never go wrong with Nike if you’re looking for killer kicks whether it’s for the gym, street, school, shopping, or work.