Fashion Observer Magazine Dec. 2014 | Page 99

love Blogging for us isn’t just about fashion, it’s about searching for who we are, what we want and who we really want to be. Who hasn’t dreamed of living in a big castle, magical forest, or a land where you never grow old? The fairy tales that inspire us the most are Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. Sometimes we actually think we’re living in a dream world, so sometimes it’s can be hard to keep both our feet on the ground, but we think we all have to escape the reality sometimes. Like Professor Dumbledore says: “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”. BLOGgER Besides the blog, we led normal lives in which we have to study and work. London is currently studying to become an art teacher and Paris has studied Social Work, but has had to work in a Sport Shop since, as finding work in Belgium is hard. So we’re not quite living in the dream world that we’re creating in our blog, the world we create is just an escape from reality. This quote from Alice in Wonderland makes it clear where our blog title comes from: “Have I gone mad? I’m afraid so. You’re entirely Bonkers, but I’ll tell you a secret, all the best people are.” Don’t be afraid to be different, silly or mad. We all have a unique story to tell. Visit BLOG