The ETI base code is an internationally recognised code that has to be followed by all employers by law. It protects the employees rights in a job.
The 9 key points of the ETI base code are as follows:
1. Employment is freely chosen, meaning there is no forced or involuntary labour.
2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected, meaning that the workers have the right to join a trade union of their own.
3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic, meaning that the company will take steps to minimise the risk of injury or accidents and give regular health and safety training.
4. Child labour shall not be used, meaning that no children or young people under 18 shall be employed at night or in hazardous conditions.
5. Living wages are paid, meaning wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
6.Working hours are not excessive, meaning hours must comply with national laws and mush not exceed 48hours per week.
7. No discrimination is practised, meaning that there is no discrimination in hiring, promotion, national origin, religion, age, disability etc.
8. Regular employment is provided, meaning employers must abide by labour or social security laws and regulations.
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed, meaning no physical abuse or harassment shall be prohibited.
According to Burberry’s Ethical Trading Code Of Conduct they abide by the above nine key points, adding three of their own points – The environment shall be protected, workers shall have legal entitlement to work and sub-contracting and home working.
What Is The ETI Base Code?