Victoria & Albert Museum Era Video
In this video Carlie, Annabel, Meghan and myself are discussing our favourite eras of fashion, what the key trends were and why we think they were influencial.
In the 1920's the fashion was very free. The First World War had just ended and people wanted to have fun and let loose, they found that fashion was a way for them to do that.
In the 1930's women were introduced to trouser-suits by Coco Chanel who first came up with the idea. Women wore these to show that they were just as powerful and strong as men and that they could wear the same as what men could wear.
These eras were important because they were when women became indipendent and they started to work as well as men.
In the 1950's the teenager was first introduced. Before then teens used to wear what their parents wore and they went from being children to being adults in just a few years. The teenagers were called Teddy Boys and Teddy Girls. They wore leather jackets, smart clothes and the look was very unisex.
In 1960 there was an art style called Op Art, short for Optical Art, which is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. This influenced what women wore in the 60's as they would copy the style of the paintings having a striped or chequered pattern or design.
We chose to compare these eras together because we thought that the 20's fashion lead on to the 30's and that the 50's fashion lead on to the 60's.
Overall i think that these four eras have had a massive influence on the fashion and what we wear today and I believe that fashion would be noting without the history of the 1900's century.