Many people do not realize that the fashion industry is the second most pollutant industry in the world. Just behind the oil industry!
Everything fashion involves, from farming to producing and selling, effects the planet massively. It all starts in the crop field, think about how much cotton has to be created to go into the majority of the items of clothing we all own, now think about the obscene amount of different cancerous pesticides that go into the farming to the masses of chemicals used in the manufacturing process, it effects far to much, like local water amenities and also ruins the soil for future use.
Now fast foward to the people involved, the fashion industry has far too many human elements at stake; from the exploitation of farmers, factory works and even child refugees all getting paid as little as $2 a day.
5 Years on from the Rana Plaza disaster which saw 1.134 factory workers lose their lives and many others injured, what has changed?
Companies such as Asos and Marks and Spencer, are companies still exploiting Syrian refugees and using child labor??
Why do we need to go sustainable?