Fashion Fete 2015 Issue 01/June 2015 | Page 53

Alice Coutour by

Ann Marie Wallace

Ann Marie Wallace better known as Alice is passionately drawn to working with enriching people’s lives, through fabric and design in a diverse expression of culture, witty and dynamic business ideas.

Growing up, Alice days were consumed with her love for sewing and design and that became an ingrained pursuit.

She fulfilled her dream when she travelled to France and studied sewing and design under the tutelage of Madame Marie St. Rose Bellard.

Upon her return to Dominica in 1992, Alice had her first fashion show with Rose Germaine. She started from humble beginnings, and later named her business Alice Couture. Ann Marie came to a quick realization that she desired to use her skills for clients she could connect with on an empathetic level. She had more insight, affinity and therefore, she was more aligned to design and sew clothing that matches one’s personality.

Filing her days with those akin to culture, creativity, and entrepreneurship has come to be the most natural career path for her to have augmented. She has sewn for business houses such as LIME, DOWASCO, Ross University, H. H. V. Whitchurch & Co. Ltd to name a few.

Aside from designing, she is most happy when she is on client initiated projects.