Fashion Fete 2015 Issue 01/June 2015 | Page 16



From a humble beginning, Mrs. Kimara Matthew began her

quest to fill the void between fashion and beauty. Her passion

was built around her mission to create wearable pieces that not

only fits but also flatters the body of her clients. Her journey of

a thousand miles began a little over a year ago, in the heart and

city of Roseau after discovering a need to cater to the working

class, she then moved on to test her skills in designing and

creating evening attire for both the youthful and the young at

heart. Her dreams and aspirations of becoming a professional

fashion designer may appear to be trapped in the distant future,

none the less, her energy, drive, passion and motive remains

steadfast by the grace given by her spiritual father.

With Much ado, it gives me great pleasure to present her line

“Finesse Beauty”.