Case Study:: All Saints
Project Just noted that in February
2014, Ecouterre reported that All
Saints rated at the bottom of a
survey conducted by the Responsible
Sourcing Network that was designed
to see how socially responsible
brands supply chains were. All Saints
need to become more transparent
by disclosing suppliers code of
conducts. Transparency is now more
of an expectation than an option,
Aflalo. "I think that the millennial
generation is really starting to push
the boundaries of traditional fashion
retail and driving demand for honesty
and transparency for the products
they purchase,"she says. (HOANG, 2016)
All Saints have consumers with a high
disposable income, whereas Primark’s
consumers shop with them due to the
low pricing of their products. Even
though Primark’s consumers may be
saddened by what happened, they do
not have the luxury to choose from
multiple brands to shop with and so may
continue to shop there just because
it’s what is affordable for them. The
guardian asked people in Granary
Square, London, if how clothes were
(Fishwick, 2014) The general findings
from this were that they can’t always
shop how they would morally wish
to because of money issues. Having a
higher disposable income comes with
the privilege to choose f