T his year ’ s Tillage- Live event will give growers an opportunity to see the top manufacturers in soil cultivation and crop establishment showcasing their products in a working environment . The event takes place on Thursday 14th September at Wickenby Aerodrome , Lincolnshire by the kind permission of Rainthorpe Farms . Lining up to demonstrate the latest technology are manufacturers such as Amazone , Claydon , and John Deere to name a few .
New from Amazone is the XTender-T , a flexible-application , trailed distribution hopper running on a single axle . The XTender-T has been developed for farms looking to simultaneously apply fertiliser and / or seed in combination with the soil tillage operation via a cultivator or compact disc harrow .
Claydon has the TerraBlade Inter-Row Hoe an effective , lowcost method of controlling weeds in all types of combinable crops . The weeds have been band-sown and an unseeded strip has been
left between the rows which can be mechanically hoed .
Claydon says the TerraBlade is a valuable addition to the agricultural industry ’ s weed control armoury . Coming at a time when the efficacy of some herbicides is decreasing , and the cost of control is increasing , it represents a further significant advantage in favour of the Claydon Optimum Tillage System , a progressive , more ecological and financially sustainable method of establishing combinable crops compared with either traditional plough or min-tillbased techniques .
John Deere new recordbreaking 8400R tractor recently set three new world records for fuel efficiency ( field and transport ) and maximum drawbar performance at the DLG test station in Germany . It beat its nearest competitors by almost 23 per cent in drawbar performance and lowered the combined fluid consumption figure for field work to only 247g / kWh .
This translates into six per cent higher pulling capacity and a reduction in fuel consumption of up to two per cent compared to the previous top of the range 8370R model , enabling wider implements to be used to increase productivity and maximise total
fluid efficiency . ‘ A lot of manufacturers are turning their attention to tackling the ever increasing blackgrass problem ; Tillage-Live gives farmers the chance to see machinery in action that may provide a solution whether it be a traditional route or a slightly different concept altogether ,’ explained organiser Kayleigh Holden of the AEA ( Agricultural Engineers Association ).
Along with the working and static displays there will also be a Knowledge Trail giving further insight into key factors affecting cultivation and soil structure with
NRoSO and BASIS points being available .
Tillage-Live is the single biggest working cultivation event in the UK . The event is tailored to the needs of the arable farmer with a range of new and established machinery on display including ploughs , cultivators and drills .
All the latest news about the event is available on the website www . tillage-live . uk . com including listings of all the working demonstrations and details of prebooking (£ 7.50 / car , compared to £ 10 on the day ). For group rates contact FarmSmart Events .