T he Midlands Machinery Show is taking place on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 November at Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire . More than 250 agricultural businesses are exhibiting at the event – organised by the Newark and Nottinghamshire Agricultural Society - which will not only give them the opportunity to discuss advances in their products and services , but also allow farmers to discover how such techniques can help to improve the productivity of their land .
Joe Allen from Gainsboroughbased Chafer Machinery has exhibited at the event since it was set up four years ago and says it has reaped dividends for the firm , which manufactures specialist spraying equipment .
He said : “ Midlands Machinery
Show is an ideal opportunity for farmers and agricultural businesses to congregate and discuss how the farming industry is faring across the country .
“ They really benefit from meeting others within their community , seeing new technology and actually being able to spend time talking to other exhibitors about how their machinery and products can benefit their farms .”
George Taylor , Midlands Machinery Show manager said : “ Technology is advancing at a fast rate within the agricultural industry , and it is really important farmers invest their time in attending events , such as the Midlands Machinery Show , to determine how this can be used to increase productivity and improve efficiency on their farms .”
As well as new technology being showcased , soil health and drones which can help improve
precision farming , are being discussed as part of a series of expert seminars by crop precisionist Hutchinsons . JRH Water Management , which specialises in rain water harvesting and water technology , will also be holding a professional seminar throughout the event .
Joe continued : “ Midlands Machinery Show is an event to do business , and I am very much looking forward to this year ’ s event to showcase our crop spraying equipment , and a selection of chemical and fertiliser applicators , whilst also networking with other farmers from across the region and beyond .”
For anyone looking to upgrade
their 4 x 4 in the near future , there will be an opportunity to test drive a selection of new vehicles on a specifically designed off-road course , courtesy of Trenton , Stoneacre , Listers , Nunns , Duckworth and Hatfields dealerships and sponsored by Woldmarsh , The Farmers Buying Group .
To find out more about how to exhibit your farming business at this year ’ s Midlands Machinery Show visit www . midlandsmachineryshow . co m
For regular show updates please follow the show on Twitter @ Midsmachinery17 or join the conversation at # MMS2017