| Energy
AgBag customer wins
Best On-Farm AD Plant
We want to congratulate Nigel Bloom on winning the best
on-farm AD plant award.
igel, of Springvale
Farm, a digester
based in
Nottingham, is a
customer of ours
and has been
AgBagging for 4 years. They
AgBag and store the maize in the
field where it is grown and only
collect it when required by the
digester. Storing in AgBags rather
than in clamps increases the
biogas yield per tonne.
By storing the maize where it is
grown it minimises traffic
disruption and mud on the roads
and results in road movements for
maize being reduced by a third
compared to other plants.
In addition currently, beet is
only harvested when required
between September and May, but
this year Nigel is planning to
experiment with AgBagging beet
for all year round supply.
Well proven in the UK, Europe
and the USA for over 30 years, the
AgBag system has numerous
storage applications. The crop or
feedstock is stored within an
oxygen free environment within 7
minutes of bagging; thereby
conserving valuable nutrient
content and ensuring dry matter
losses are kept to a minimum.
By storing the maize where it is
grown it minimises traffic
disruption & mud on the roads
and results in road movements
for maize being reduced by a
third compared to other plants.
The AgBag system allows
waste-free storage at no capital
cost, with fast pay back for the
increase in feed-out quality.
Lanes: Supporting the
energy industry
Drainage engineers from Lanes Group are proving they
have the power to support one of the UK's fastest growing
industrial sectors - renewable energy.
he company's
vacuumation and
water jetting
technology is
proving to be
suited for cleaning
pipes and tanks in a range of
different renewable energy plants
in the industrial & farming sectors.
Lanes drainage expertise has
been used to support companies
developing and running
sustainable energy plants in
Plymouth, Newcastle, Glasgow,
Sheffield and North Wales.
The Plymouth depot provides
industry pipe cleaning services for
MVV Environment Devonport Ltd,
which operates one of the most
advanced energy-from-waste
plants in the UK.
The combined heat and power
plant, at North Yard, Devonport,
burns 254,000 tonnes of residual
household, commercial and
industrial waste a year.
Lanes' electro-mechanical pipe
cleaning equipment has proved
ideal for cleaning inert filtration
media that builds up in pipework
during the incineration process.
The Plymouth depot is also
regularly commissioned by
industrial cleaning specialists New
Wave Marine to use its jetting and
vacuumation technology to clean
pipes and tanks at a growing
number of AD plants.
The company's CCTV drainage
survey camera systems are also
used to inspect pipework in
energy plants to confirm cleaning
has been thorough and the
equipment is in good repair.
Lanes Plymouth Depot Area
Development Manager Grant
Cooper said: "The capabilities of
our technology transfer very well
from the water industry to
renewable energy.
"Also, our growing number of
energy clients value the
experience we already have of
working in a regulated industry,
and the very high priority we place
on occupational health and safety."
Contact Lanes Group:
October 2016 | Farming Monthly | 47