Farming Monthly National October 2016 | Page 25

FUW enjoys busy International Sheep Dog Trials

The Farmers ’ Union of Wales has enjoyed three busy and successful days at the International Sheep Dog Trials , held at Sandilands farm , Tywyn .

T he Union was represented by the Meirionnydd branch and they were delighted to welcome members and all those participating in the Sheep Dog Trials to the stand .

The FUW was an official sponsor of the event and of course also provided the Wales team with their official jackets .
International Trial President Geraint Owen , who hosted the International Sheep Dog Trials , said : “ It was a privilege and honour to be asked to be the International President for this year ' s International Sheep Dog Trials .
“ I was very proud to be involved with a small dedicated local committee and was amazed at the work and organisation needed to hold such a large event . The standard of competition over the three days was exceptionally high and I warmly congratulate the Welsh team on their success .”
Geraint Owen of Sandilands farm , Tywyn is also the Chairman of the local FUW Tywyn branch and has had close connections with the FUW over many years .
Sandilands is a Beef and Sheep farm with around 2000 breeding ewes and 200 breeding limousines and limousine cross suckler cows .
The Owen family have farmed at Sandilands since 1938 when Geraint ’ s grandparents took over the farm . Geraint is the third generation to farm here in partnership with his father Bryn and brother Hugh . They also have a very successful caravan park business where his sisters Sian and Bethan are active partners .

Analysis of data from groundbreaking project begins

Early results from the RamCompare project are already very positive says co-ordinator Bridget Lloyd .

T he industry scheme aims to drive genetic improvement forward through the inclusion of commercial data in genetic evaluation and data analysis on the first crop of lambs is underway . Lamb growth has been closely monitored throughout the season on the six project farms , with the collection of birth , eight-week , 90-day and sale weights . Over 10,000 weight records have been taken from lambs born this year and they are being entered into the Signet Breeding Services database .

Bridget Lloyd , RamCompare project coordinator , said : “ Early analysis has shown a pleasing amount of variation , with some sires excelling and progeny growing quickly .”
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Geraint and and his wife Annest married in 1992 and have two daughters , Lowri and Catrin who play an important and active part in the business on both the farming and tourism side . Annest , Catrin and Lowri also run the bar and restaurant at the Woodlands / Bronffynnon site which is approximately 3 miles from Sandilands .
FUW Meirionnydd County Executive Officer Huw Jones said : “ The fields where the trials were held were in a truly fascinating location , with outstanding views over the Dysynni valley , and perfect for an event such as this .
“ I would like to thank all of the Union staff and officials who have been at hand over the three days to help in manning the stand and of course their kind assistance in setting up .
“ Last but not least , I would like to congratulate the Wales team on their excellent achievements , the competition was truly intense and a wonderful display of how well dog and handlers work together .”
More than 3,600 lambs were born in 2016 , sired by 39 different rams registered for the project . The eight sires that were used via artificial insemination ( AI ) averaged 30 lambs each . The number of lambs from each natural service ram ranged from 47 to 154 . The aim was 50 lambs per sire and this was achieved in all but one group .
Top 25 lists will be produced for rams on test for eight-week weight , scan weight , muscle depth and fat depth estimated breeding values ( EBVs ). New EBVs will be developed for days to slaughter and carcase value . The list of rams , irrespective of breed , will be published in November 2017 .
Twenty-four rams have been selected for natural mating and performance testing in 2017 . Bridget said : “ It is a busy time as we
| Sheep
I ' m a sheep - sittin ’ in a field I don ' t ‘ ave a lot to yield I ’ ve been a bit deaf - can ’ t hear words fully Think my hearing ’ s a little woolly
I was feelin ’ good but I now feel baaaaaaaah-d All thanks to the farmer ’ s lad ! He came a-visiting brought some shears Said " I ' m gonna trim your ears "
Now it feels like Winter even though it ' s May As he took my overcoat away ! Hope my embarrassment quickly ceases As It ' s hard to cover my bits and pieces !!!
A sheep unzipped without a coat Can be mistaken for a goat Been on computer - checking RAM But couldn ’ t find sheep coats - only SPAM
Hoped that I could find a coatie Search engine turned up “ small beard ....... - “ goatie ”” Prices were extortionate - fakes you see But I " m too clever - they wont “ fleece ” me !
I ' m freezing cold and I look a sight When you ' re stripped butt naked - it is a fright I ’ m finding it hard to get to sleep So I count humans instead of sheep
I wouldn ' t look like this if I could choose Plus it scares away the ewes So I won ' t be able to be a humper Til I grow back my woolly jumper !
Until that day I guess I ’ ll shiver My knees will knock and my “ nutmegs ” quiver Things could have been much worse of course If he had uttered “ More mint sauce ?”!
If I ’ ve made you feel sad-ish , …. downish …. or weep-ish Please forgive me – I ’ m just feeling ………..... SHEEP-ISH !
Copyright © 2014 Lesley Scott . All Rights Reserved .
enter the second year of the programme . The six project farms have been provided with four new rams to join natural service groups . The groups include some of last year ’ s rams to strengthen the linkage between years . All the newly selected rams have EBVs in the top 20 per cent for their breed and will provide variety to other rams on test .”
Semen from an additional five sires is being used via AI to increase links between the project farms . In total , the project will have tested 68 rams over its two-year duration .
More information on the RamCompare project can be found at signetfbc . co . uk / ramcompare
October 2016 | Farming Monthly | 25