| Potatoes
RWL: For all your application needs
RWL Services Ltd are main dealers for Horstine Farmery, Team Sprayers, Bye Engineering and has recently been
appointed as the Suffolk and Essex sales and service partner for Scanstone, supplying a wide range of root crop
machinery such as destoners, bed formers, bed tillers and now the new Patriot Harvester.
hey also offer a full
calibration and
NSTS testing
service, including
sales, spare parts,
fitting and support for many makes
and models of specialist potato
and vegetable application
Examples include nematicide
applicators on potato planters,
bed-tillers and mixers, precision
seed-drills for sugar beet, carrots,
parsnips and other vegetables, in-
furrow sprayers and fungicide
powder applicators on potato
planters and also liquid and
granular fertiliser placement
systems for potatoes, vegetables
and OSR.
As of 26th November 2016 it is
a legal requirement, under the
SUD (Sustainable Use Directive)
for farmers and contractors to
ensure that all working application
equipment has an NSTS
The NSTS (National Sprayer
Testing Scheme) is an annual
MOT check for all application
equipment, and is one of the main
target areas of the Voluntary
Initiative (VI), ensuring your
machines are safe for both the
environment and operator. The
test has always been a
requirement of major crop
assurance and supermarket
production protocols, and helps to
show customers and the general
public of agriculture’s commitment
to keeping machines in good
condition. It is now a legal
requirement and non-compliance
could lead to prosecution and
threaten Single Farm Payments.
In addition to showing
commitment to the VI, out of
season servicing and calibration
ensures maximum efficiency of
your application machinery and
can significantly reduce costly
downtime. Also the cost of
replacing worn nozzles or
metering rotors that deliver 5%
more than the recommended rate
is readily recovered in
agrochemical saving and
improved efficiency, resulting from
better and more consistent
application quality.
For more information and to
discuss any requirements contact
Richard Lapage on 07534948361
or [email protected]
Small East Suffolk Agricultural Engineers at Harrogate!
Bye Engineering Ltd was founded in 1979, and continues to be a family run business today.
raditionally and to
this day the core
of the business is
based around
agricultural repairs
and maintenance
including all types of welding and
fabrication. Although the business
is based in Melton, near
Woodbridge in East Suffolk, the
customer base extends throughout
the country.
With a dedicated team of
experienced employees all fields
of repair and maintenance can be
covered, from mechanical,
electrical and hydraulic to welding
and fabrication.
Over many years the team at
Bye Engineering Ltd have been
working very closely with their
customers; and several
specialized machines have been
designed, developed and
manufactured to help these potato
and vegetable growers in their
quest to improve efficiencies and
reduce costs.
These include, the Bedmixer,
the High Clearance Potato Re-
Ridger, the Potato Crusher, the
Power Dolly, the Triple Bed Brush
Hoe and the Band Sprayer. They
also design and manufacture
bespoke machines to suit
individual customers needs.
Trevor, James and Richard
would like to invite you all to come
and see their machines at the
BP2017 Event on 22nd and 23rd
November at Harrogate. We are
on stand 224 in Hall 2.
The team at Melton are always
excited to take on new challenges
and help overcome any problems.
Please contact Trevor, James or
Richard on 01394 386008
November 2017 | Farming Monthly | 17