Farming Monthly National May 2018 | Page 21

| Shows The countdown is on for this years Royal Highland Show Preparations for the 178th Royal Highland Show, which will be held on 21-24 June 2018, are well underway, and promises to offer the best of Scotland’s farming, food and rural life. upported by The Royal Bank of Scotland, partner since 1981, and staged at the Royal Highland Centre, in Edinburgh, the four-day event is a once in a year opportunity to really experience rural life; with over 6,000 farm animals and horses; rural crafts; a dedicated forestry area, award winning farriers’ display, a busy countryside arena with a wide variety of exciting displays and any number of big tractors – not forgetting the biggest food festival in Scotland. Entertainment plays a big part of the Show with a huge variety of live music across two stages and shopping in the 13th Avenue Arcade includes fashion, artwork and even furniture for home and garden. Children aged 15 and under go free with an accompanying adult, and the RHET discovery centre is a must visit for curious youngsters looking to discover about the countryside and where their food comes from. If you are interested in where your food actually comes from, then Scotland’s Larder Live is a must see part of the Show with the award winning food and drink on display as well as top chefs cooking delicious dishes. With 94% of visitors questioned in 2017 commenting on the Show’s ‘great atmosphere’ it is an event with huge urban appeal with 88% of non- farming visitors agreeing that there is so much to see and do. Visitors are encouraged to take advantage of the ‘Early Bird’ ticket promotion to book early and save over 17% on a family day out.* “There is real customer loyalty to our Show, says David Jackson, Show Manager, with almost two thirds having attended the Show five times or more, which I think is testament to S just how exciting, different and authentic a day at the Show is for everyone. However, what is equally exciting is the number of people attending for the first time illustrating how the Show is attracting a new audience due to the growing interest in farming, food and rural life. “The Show continues to expand in size and popularity. In 2017 we welcomed a record breaking 190,000 visitors and generated £65m for the Scottish economy. The Show is a truly unique event offering a day packed full day of entertainment and enjoyment for under £50 for a family of four*.” Finest Livestock The Highland Show’s biggest attraction is, without doubt, the exhibition of world class livestock – with more than 6,000 of the finest cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry, heading for the Ingliston showground. With generations of expert husbandry and months of detailed preparation, the animals represent the highest skills in stock management. Discover farming in everyday life The RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust) Discovery Centre is a must-visit for families, with over 30,000 young people welcomed last year for FREE. Traditional skills brought to life With a focus on showcasing rural skills, the Forge and the sheep shearing arena bring to life the work undertaken in the countryside. While the Forestry area and the hugely popular pole climbing is back again for the 2018 show. The Scottish Women’s Institute Handcrafts Competition, staged in the Handcrafts Pavilion, has some of the best examples of rural crafts from across Scotland and attracts competition entries for other parts of the world. The largest display of food & drink Scotland’s Larder Live, the country’s biggest exhibition of food and drink, is a must visit destination for visitors and offers everyone a great opportunity to taste new and exciting foods from Scotland – it also gives farmers and producers a great opportunity to meet with consumers for feedback and consumers the chance to learn how food is produced and the process involved. Meanwhile award-winning cheese, bread and ice-cream is judged with the winners announced at the Show. Award-winning chefs In the cookery theatre, Scotland’s chefs demonstrate how incredible meals can be created using quality ingredients from Scotland. Shopping for him, her, kids, home … and pets! The wide range of shopping outlets brings together an amazing range of retailers, from fashion to home wear, jewellery to furniture, pet accessories to arts and crafting, many of which will see their biggest sales event of the year. The best of food-to-go Working alongside all our on-site caterers, the Show has devised a strict Food Charter that all food-to-go outlets must adhere to ensuring top quality food, be it chips and a burger or something a little more exotic. There is a wide selection to choose from and the Food Charter requires that only ingredients that have been Image credit: Tim Scrivener locally produced, wherever possible, and ethically sourced can be served at the Show. This means that not only quality is high but also Scottish farmers and growers are supported. To ensure that highest quality is maintained all on- site caterers are independently assessed every year. For further information please visit, @ScotlandRHShow and #RHS2018 May 2018 | Farming Monthly | 21