| Arable
Stay alert for disease
pressure in cereal
Although cereal crops are behind the curve this season,
it’s important to continue to monitor them over the next
few weeks as disease pressure could build.
aylight hours are
increasing and
temperatures rise
over the next few
photosynthesis will increase and
rapid growth will occur,” explains
Certis’ Technical Specialist,
Laurence Power.
“This could create a perfect
breeding ground for diseases
such as Powdery mildew, Septoria
and Eyespot,” he adds.
Mr Power explains that this
issue could be further exacerbated
by the fact that T0 timing has been
missed in many parts of the
“Normally T0 applications
would have occured by now. In
parts of the country, such as
Lincolnshire and the east, this has
been virtually impossible due to
the wet weather conditions.
“Many agronomists have
suggested that T0 and T1
fungicide timings will be combined
this year, which could mean a
bigger spend for growers.”
“I’d advise being critical about
the products used. Applying the
best products possible at good
sensible rates will be vital to get
robust coverage as crops grow
Careful monitoring will be
essential to keep on top of growth
stages and any disease pressure,
says Mr Power.
“Pay closer attention to the
crops that are at higher risk, for
example early-drilled autumn
cereals on lighter soils,” he warns.
“Walk the fields at least every
seven days and dig up a sample
of the crop. Look at the root
structure and try to establish if
they’re picking up enough
“Check the roots, stem and
base of the plant for any disease,
and if traces are present, follow up
with a robust fungicide application.
“Ultimately, it’s hard to predict
what the season will hold, but if
we’re prepared to react to disease
pressure when, or if it appears,
crops will stand a better chance of
thriving this season."
New code approved to minimise
risk of elevated erucic acid
levels in certified seed
The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) and the
British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB), representing
the seed breeding and distribution of certified seed,
have launched a new code of practice to demonstrate
that elevated levels of erucic acid, seen in oilseed rape
crops over the past three years do not originate from
certified seed.
s part of gaining
registration in
the UK, all
varieties are
tested to ensure
erucic acid levels are
consistently close to zero. The
new code, aimed to provided
added certainty, will mean that
all seed and seed lots of certified
seed will be subject to Gas
Chromatography testing prior to
delivery to farm. The results of
such testing will be available on
Whilst adoption of the new
code is voluntary, both AIC and
BSPB will encourage their
members to participate to
provide additional assurance to
farmer customers and the wider
oilseed chain. Both AIC and
BSPB aim to give added
confidence that certified seed is
not the source of the issues that
have occurred with high levels of
erucic acid in commercial crops
of oilseed rape.
“BSPB supports this Code of
Practice as a way for plant
breeders and the certified seed
trade to demonstrate that we
take the problem seriously, and
are taking action to provide an
assurance that certified seed is
not the source of the problem.
We would also encourage
farmers to adopt the same
practices if they are farm saving
to ensure a common, industry-
wide approach across all oilseed
rape production,” said Dr Penny
Maplestone, BSPB’s Chief
“The certified seeds industry
takes every step to ensure
farmers receive high quality
seed. We have worked together
on this Code of Practice to
demonstrate to farmers that
seed from a certified source is
not the cause of the elevated
erucic acid levels being found at
harvest,” said Chris Guest, Chair
of the AIC Combinable Crops
Seeds Committee.
May 2018 | Farming Monthly | 13