Farming Monthly National May 2017 | Page 52

For more information , or to view the whole utility range from Kawasaki , visit : www . kawasaki . co . uk


MULE choice of Wolf Watch UK

The Kawasaki MULE Pro-DXT is the machine of choice for Wolf Watch UK founder Tony Haighway when it comes to caring for the seven wolves on site and maintaining around 100 acres of remote wooded valley in Shropshire .

I t is the second MULE that Tony has owned , the first of which was with him for nine years .

“ I sold my first MULE to a friend of mine who now uses it regularly on a Pheasant Shoot . It was extremely reliable and never broke down once . It ’ s now giving good services to its new owner .”
Established in 1993 by Tony , Wolf Watch UK is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the rescue , welfare and conservation of displaced wolves from captive situations . Examples of which include : dominance fights , zoo closures or excess breeding – without the help of Wolf Watch UK it is likely many of the magnificent animals would have been euthanised .
Set in a wooded valley in Shropshire and staffed by a team of dedicated volunteers , as well as the wolves , the woodland plays host to raptors , ravens and woodpeckers as well as badgers , foxes , polecats and a herd of Red Deer – and now a Kawasaki MULE .
“ Having access to a good dealer is essential – not just for the purchasing of the MULE but for the back-up service and parts ”
The Pro-DXT machine joined the team earlier this year and has been an invaluable help . It features a large cargo bed , which comes in handy when an adult Gray wolf can stand up to 38 inches at the shoulder with a head and body length of up to 58 inches and a weight from 20- 175 pounds .
“ We use the MULE for many things – whether that be transporting the wolves in the large cargo bed , aiding us to maintain the fences and land and moving food around – it ’ s extremely helpful . I don ’ t know how we ’ d manage without it now !”
The Trans Cab system of the Pro-DXT means that the machine can be transformed from fourperson to two-person mode in less than one minute . The sliding cargo wall is integrated with the cargo bed , making it possible for a single person to execute the change .
“ This is one of the other benefits – this enables us to move visitors around too when required . Our wolves have been used in the making of many educational TV documentaries – including some shows presented by the BBC .”
“ We like to keep the habitat as close to what the wolves would encounter in the wild which can be challenging – but the Electronic Power Steering and selectable 4-wheel drive allow us to tackle all terrains ,” said Tony Haighway .
“ Some of our work is done in the early morning or late at night , so the bright headlamps are fantastic for allowing us to see where we ’ re going .”
Bought from their local dealer , Richard Jones ATV in Kington , Tony appreciates the importance of good dealer service .
“ Having access to a good dealer is essential – not just for the purchasing of the MULE but for the back-up service and parts and any advice we may need along the way with choice of parts and accessories . The team at Richard Jones ATV have been extremely helpful .”
The Kawasaki MULE Pro-DXT is powered by a high-torque powerful 993 cm ³ four-stroke diesel engine to deliver excellent performance and allow on-site fuel compatibility . It produces 17.8kW ( 24PS ) of power and 52.1Nm of torque and a fuel capacity of 30 litres .
For more information on the Kawasaki range , visit www . kawasaki . co . uk and for further details on Wolf Watch UK and their work , visit : www . wolfwatch . uk

For more information , or to view the whole utility range from Kawasaki , visit : www . kawasaki . co . uk

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Southam Agri . Services Southam , Warwickshire CV47 2DH 01926 813426 http :// southamagri . co . uk
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