| Grassland
Grassland survey shows science pays
Farmers are taking a more measured and scientific approach to their grassland, leading to reduced fertiliser usage, but
there is still plenty more that they can do, according to new survey results.
rganised by the
Grassland & Muck
Event, the survey
reveals that more
farmers are
analysing their soil
and manure than ever before, with
an increasing proportion also
taking professional advice on
variety choice. However, there is
still a huge opportunity for farmers
to make more of their grassland,
with only 14% regularly measuring
grass growth and 29% still not
24 | Farming Monthly | May 2017
producing a nutrient or manure
management plan.
“The last time we conducted
this survey was in 2011, and it’s
encouraging to see how farmers’
attitudes have changed,” says
Alice Bell, head of technical events
and organiser of Grassland &
Muck. “Of particular note is a more
scientific approach to manure and
slurry usage: 14% of respondents
now use laboratory analysis
against 9% in 2011 and the
proportion basing nutrient content
on personal assumption has
dropped 37% to 20%.”
As a result, 29% of respondents
have reduced nitrogen fertiliser
usage, 24% are using less
phosphate and 21% have cut
potash applications. “The cost
savings from making better use of
manure are considerable,” says
Ms Bell. “But it’s also interesting to
note that between 15% and 19% of
farmers have increased fertiliser
use, based on soil analysis, to
improve grass quality and yield.”
Even so, there’s plenty more
that farmers can do to exploit the
true potential of their grassland,
warns Nigel Hester, area manager
at Yara. “Many are still not soil
testing frequently
enough, measuring grass y ields or
investing in the best grass varieties
where an effective balanced crop
nutrition programme will help
achieve high yields of nutritious
Some 70% of respondents
admitted to never measuring their
grass, and 14% said they never
tested their soils. However, on the
plus side, 62% said they do test
their soils every five years or less,
with the majority reseeding leys
every six years or less. “The top
reasons for reseeding are poor
silage crop or low yield (49%),
rotation (37%) and weeds (33%),”
says Ms Bell.
“Many are still not soil testing
frequently enough, measuring
grass yields or investing in the
best grass varieties where an
effective balanced crop
nutrition programme will help
achieve high yields of nutritious
The number of producers using
the Recommended List when
selecting grass and clover varieties
has increased slightly to 46%, with
those taking agronomist’s advice
up from 31% to 36%. “This
suggests that farmers are paying
more attention to variety selection
– in fact, the proportion who
simply choose the variety they
grew before has halved, to just
over 6%.”
Interestingly, considerably more
farmers than before are spreading
slurry and manure on arable land –
49% compared to 34% in 2011.
“Arable producers are increasingly
turning to more traditional
methods to combat rising input
costs and falling soil organic
matter,” explains John Williams,
principal soil scientist at ADAS.
“Many are now opting to return
grass and livestock to the
enterprise mix, which is something
that we will be exploring in more
detail at this year’s Grassland &
Muck Event.”