G raham Heath Construction has many years experience , producing a wide selection of agricultural buildings , with Grain Stores being one of the most requested throughout the winter months , as farmers make preparation for the expected harvest . There are many external factors that can affect a crop once in storage ; from moisture , fungi , mites and general hygiene , through to pests and structural issues , such as bowing walls and leaking roofs . As such , it is essential that suitable storage conditions are created to minimize waste and maximise return . Storing grain in tired buildings that allow all weathers to get in will only bring problems . These damp conditions act as a breeding ground for many common species and although drying the grain after combining will slow down insect development , it is essential that moisture content is kept to 12 % or below to reduce the risk as much
as possible . The structure itself is a vital factor in this and one that needs to be well considered .
With advances in agricultural building materials , a new grain store offers a clean , dry , wellventilated and watertight construction , but how is this achieved ? Starting with a high quality CE Marked steel frame and the best quality roofing materials ensure that the building prevents rain and other such weather to penetrate the building . Decent roofing will also reduce or eliminate the entry of birds and pests into the building .
Concrete panels are a key feature in Graham Heath Construction Grain Stores , playing an essential role in the creation of the perfect grain store . They are easy to clean , hygienic and exceptionally durable , withstanding the force of a grain harvest with ease . Concrete panels are also quick and easy to install , without the need for foundations as they just slot in between steel supports .
Graham Heath of Graham
Heath Construction comments : “ Store preparation is a key stage in ensuring safe grain storage , whether it ’ s being held for a temporary period or longer . We offer farmers the best chance of success by providing them with a clean , dry , durable and weatherproof building . From the steel frames to the concrete panels , the key elements are produced on our UK based site , with our experienced design teams creating bespoke buildings with a |
high quality guarantee .”
Manufacturing the steelwork on site at its Cheshire plant allows Graham Heath Construction to manufacturer to customers ’ exact requirements . Concrete panels are also manufactured on-site by its sister company Concrete Panel Systems .
To find out more about Graham Heath Construction products and prices visit www . ghconstruction . co . uk