W ith newborn lambs all around , identifying each will soon be a job on the to-do list . Whether you tag at birth or at the last possible opportunity , I wonder if you will be thinking of Theresa May , Donald Tusk or Donald Trump while you ’ re doing it ? You can be guarenteed they ’ re not thinking of you , yet their actions are directly affecting European and world trade agreements and the legislation that concerns sheep farmers on a daily basis when it comes to identification rules , movements requirements and cross compliance inspections . |
Most of what we currently do is dictated by Europe , and the promise by Brexiteers before the referendum that an out-vote would result in a ‘ regulatory bonfire ’ of burdesome legislation was one reason some people voted to leave . In reality we will have a ‘ Great Repeal Bill ’ where the Government will adopt all exising EU law into UK law , with the option to make changes and tweaks once the dust has settled .
The work of NSA is to find the fine line between maintaining the core regulatory framework to protect trade and reputation , yet having a flexible and practical delivery with tolerance levels . At NSA we have already started work
to develop what our ideal outcome would be , and we are not underestimating the challenge of convincing ministers that changes are needed and pushing for a realistic timeframe for the work to be done . What we do not want is to be sat here in a few years ’ time with an industry that had been disadvantaged by exiting the EU single market and EU farm support framework , but without any of the benefits of writing our own rules and regulations .
We cannot jeopardise the risk of agreeing trade deals by adopting an identification and traceability system that other countries do not consider to be robust enough , but NSA is confident a new approach
can be found to both our regulatory framework and the future of farm support . This is all with the aim of creating an environment where sheep farming businesses can flourish and succeed .
It is important sheep farmers appreciate the rules have not changed yet , and will not do so in the immediate future . Please also consider that there has never been a more important time for NSA to provide a voice for the sheep sector . We cannot do that without your help so please join today at www . nationalsheep . org . uk / membe rship .