Honda ATV
Unbeatable for grassland weed control
As warmer temperatures encourage rapid grass
growth, weeds also take advantage of the same great
growing conditions. For weed control in hard-to-reach
areas, on soft, sensitive ground or challenging terrain,
a Honda ATV is the ideal alternative to a heavy, tiring
and slow knapsack sprayer.
onda’s utility ATVs
for farm use
include models
from 250–680cc,
all with rugged
load racks and
capable of accessing areas where
most other farm vehicles would
struggle. Early last year Honda
added its Pioneer 700 utility
vehicle to the line-up with 2 or 4
seats and a tipping load bed, and
available with a comprehensive
range of accessory options.
They all have large flotation
tyres with high levels of grip, but
exert less ground pressure than a
person walking. For travel over
soft, wet grassland and even
young growing crops damage is
minimal, allowing these machines
to operate when other farm
vehicles would cause damage.
A wide range of weed control
implements are available from
Honda-approved manufacturers,
including mounted and trailed
sprayers, trailed mowers and weed
For cost-effective, selective
control of weeds extending above
grass or crop height a weed wiper
is ideal. The Logic Contact 2000
range of rotary weed wipers
comes in 1.5 and 2.5m working
widths and consists of a ground-
driven, contra-rotating brush to
which herbicide is applied from a
mounted tank. The unit is carried
on a pair of low ground pressure
tyres and set to travel just above
grass height so that only taller
plants are touched by the
chemical-laden bristles.
Because only target plants
receive an application, wastage is
minimal and less chemical is
needed. Chemical application to
the revolving brush is precisely
controlled to suit the weed density,
avoiding under application and
ineffective weed control, or over-
application and drips which could
kill non-target vegetation.
Accurate targeting of weeds,
reduced chemical use and
absence of spray drift means the
Honda ATV and weed wiper
combination is proving extremely
popular with farmers across the
UK as well as environmental
organisations operating in
sensitive areas.
Mounted sprayers are a popular
alternative to knapsack or larger
tractor-mounted sprayers.
Chemical is applied through a
hand lance or boom and supplied
from a tank carried on the Honda
ATV. An electric-driven pump,
powered from the ATV, avoids the
need for manual pumping and a
range of pump sizes and control
systems offers flow capacity from
a single nozzle such as a hand
lance or wider multi-nozzle booms.
Boom width and tank size can be
matched to the area to be treated
as well as the rated capacity of the
ATV racks, and for larger areas the
Pioneer UTV is ideal, capable of
carrying high capacity versions
such as Logic’s 270-litre Deck
Mounted Sprayer which can be
matched with booms up to 7
nozzles or 3.5m wide.
Whatever your farm or estate
situation, your Honda dealer has
the knowledge and experience to
help identify the ideal combination
of ATV or utility vehicle, and
applicator to suit. From the entry-
level TRX250 Fourtrax 2wd with a
small mounted sprayer to one of
the popular TRX500 Foreman
2/4wd ATVs, or the class-leading
Pioneer with a larger sprayer or
weed wiper there are models to
suit almost any enterprise and
budget. All new Hondas come with
free of charge operator training
through the industry-approved
EASI scheme.
June 2018 | Farming Monthly | 49