Farming Monthly National June 2018 | Page 21

| Energy
digestate as a biofertiliser is perfectly suited for agricultural nutrient management by providing flexibility on application rate , time , and placement , for example allowing nitrogen to be returned to land quickly in liquid form or more slowly in solid form .
Digestate is a natural , biological alternative to petrochemicalderived artificial fertilisers , which are generally expensive and imported . Using digestate leaves farmers less exposed to fluctuations in commodity prices for artificial fertilisers as well as removing the input costs that farmers would otherwise have to pay for them . We estimate that if AD was to reach its full potential in the UK , the digestate produced would reduce fertiliser imports by over £ 110m , making a vital contribution to improving the UK ’ s balance of payments .
More importantly , this displacement would also abate 0.62 million tonnes of CO2- equivalent a year , as well as every tonne of artificial fertiliser that is replaced with digestate avoiding the use of one tonne of oil and 108 tonnes of water .
Use of digestate also helps protect peat bogs by providing an alternative to peat-based fertilisers . With British sources of peat continuing to decline and phosphorous a finite resource , digestate products provide an
alternative source of nutrition for horticulture , parks , and gardens as well as farmland .
While there are clearly many benefits to farmers of using digestate , the challenge we have is creating a sustainable , profitable market for this valuable resource for those who produce more than they can use on their own land . There are pioneers in the market such as farming family Steve and Sarah Suggitt , who are using digestate to produce PlantGrow , a solid biofertiliser and liquid plant food developed by them specifically for the horticultural market . PlantGrow is available to both commercial growers and hobby gardeners and is on-shelf in 200 Homebase stores , all Blue Diamond stores , and independent garden centres in Norfolk , as well as online .
The Suggitts ’ example shows that there is a market out there for biofertiliser , and with consumers increasingly opting for more organic and environmentally friendly products , demand should only increase . However , there ’ s still a huge amount that government can do to help support farmers looking to produce , use , and sell digestate-derived biofertilisers . For example , ADBA has explored the idea of renewable biofertiliser credits , which could form part of the government ’ s proposed new policy package for supporting
farmers in England .
If a sustainable market for digestate can be developed , it can provide an additional , regular income stream for farmers , which will be essential as farmers seek to diversify their incomes and become more resilient in a post- CAP world .
The benefits of digestate for UK farmers will be a key topic at UK AD & World Biogas Expo 2018 , the world ’ s largest dedicated global biogas tradeshow , taking place on the 11th-12th July at the NEC in Birmingham . The show will feature a dedicated panel session exploring how to add value to your plant ’ s output through correct use , management , marketing , and commercialisation of digestate , and will include discussion of how to cut the cost of handling digestate . The morning of the first day of the show will also see a Farmers ’ Breakfast that will feature expert speakers and discussion sessions on topics such as growing sustainable AD crops and funding new on-farm AD plants .
You can find out more and register your free place for the show at biogastradeshow . com . With so much to discuss about digestate and how AD can support UK farmers , it promises to be a great event – we look forward to seeing you there !

Charlotte Morton
Digestate is a natural , biological alternative to petrochemical-derived artificial fertilisers , which are generally expensive and imported . Using digestate leaves farmers less exposed to fluctuations in commodity prices for artificial fertilisers as well as removing the input costs that farmers would otherwise have to pay for them

Image credit : Tim Scrivener
www . farmingmonthly . co . uk June 2018 | Farming Monthly | 21