| Cereals
De Sangosse to promote
the benefits of R&D
Fans of innovative technology should visit the De
Sangosse stand at Cereals. Not only will visitors be able
to learn more about the benefits research and technology
has brought to crop production, but also see a genuine
Formula 1 car up close.
griculture and
Formula 1 have
more in common
than might appear.
Both are heavily
reliant on research
investment to develop innovative
solutions that improve performance.
By displaying Jarno Trulli’s Jordan
F1 car from 2001, we are seeking to
promote our own products of
investment,” says Simon McMunn,
De Sangosse commercial manager.
Products such as Pod-Stik, TDS
slug pellets, Radiate seed treatment
and X-change water conditioner
were all innovations developed by
De Sangosse through its investment
in research, says Simon McMunn.
“Extensive trials indicate that by
using Pod-Stik growers can cut
pod-shatter losses. It can be co-
applied at desiccation or as a stand-
alone application making it an easy
and worthwhile investment,” says
Simon McMunn.
Much has been made of varieties
claiming pod-shatter resistance as a
means to reducing crop losses, but
Mr McMunn says independent trials
indicate that they still benefit from
an application of Pod-Stik.
“Across 14 independent trials,
varieties branded as ‘shatter
resistant’, yielded more with Pod-
Stik,” he says.
Water conditioners and seed
treatments are also beneficial to
efforts to protect plant health and
“The performance of plant
protection products can be
improved with the addition of X-
change which neutralises the effects
of cations in hard water while seed
treated with Radiate produces more
roots through auxin stimulation.
Both are the reward of focussed
investment and extensive trials.”
Visitors will also be able to
discover De Sangosse’s range of
class-leading metaldehyde and
ferric phosphate molluscicides.
28 | Farming Monthly | June 2017