| Cereals
McConnel unveils new range of rollers at Cereals
McConnel will showcase its new Consolidator range of premium arable rollers at Cereals Show (Stand 1032).
he company has enhanced its
product portfolio after its recent
merger with Twose of Tiverton,
and can now offer a
comprehensive choice of three,
five and seven-gang rollers with
working widths from 6.4m and 18.4m
The robust rollers are among the heaviest in
the industry – delivering even ground pressure
across the width of the roller and feature a
unique castellated ring profile that ensures
constant soil pressure for greater moisture
retention and a weather-proof finish.
Each section centre-pivots independently for
a smooth and even reaction to undulating
ground conditions, ensuring close contourfollowing and outstanding seed to soil contact.
Strength and durability are boosted by an
exceptionally robust design, triple sealed
bearings, and 65mm steel shafts, while the
heavy duty frame design allows for excellent
contour following when the hydraulic system is
in the float position.
Four different roller configurations are
available with a choice of 22” and 24”
Cambridge rings and 22” and 24” Cambridge
rings with Cambridge breakers available.
The rollers come with a wide range of
options including spring-mounted levelling
boards to break down clods and plough ridges
leveling the ground to deliver smooth and even
Two rows of 8mm spring tines are also
available. When working in crop stubble the
tines help to evenly distribute straw and surface
residue – distributing slug eggs and
encouraging a flush of volunteers to germinate.
June 2016 | Farming Monthly | 23