Farming Monthly National July 2016 | Page 11

| On Topic by 75% at IoT by 75% and gets put under utility surveillance for suspected meter tampering as a result. which has broadband cellular uplink connectivity functionality. The gateway also contains a Spirent partner Oasis reprogrammable SIM which becomes the enabler in remote water provisioning. All soil moisture data is collected from the avocado trees into a cloud and visualised by a presentation layer. When a tree needs to be watered, the solution turns the sprinklers on automatically to get the correct level of soil moisture for each tree. It then turns them off when the correct moisture levels are reached. The connected trees are monitored constantly day and night. "Avocado trees typically take 4 acre feet (1 acre foot = 326000 gallons) of water per acre per year. This is not only to supply the needed water, but also to leach the salts which build up in the soil," says Bantle. "The soil moisture sensors let me drastically reduce water usage by telling me when to water and how deep to water to push the salts past the bulk of the rooting zone. The majority of the roots are in the top 8 inches of soil so there is a sensor there and one at 24 inches so I can see when I've watered deep enough to get the salts out of the rooting zone," adds Bantle. He spent $8,200 for LoRa stations with soil moisture sensors, valve controllers Lora gateway and cellular backhaul to soil moist monitor and automate, just-in-time irrigation. The results proved staggering. The annual cost of watering his 900 avocado trees was $47,336. By connecting his trees with IoT technology, his annual water bill dropped to just $11,834 ... a 75% cost reduction. The hardware investment was recovered within the first six months. But the results go far beyond the world of this pioneering farmer. It paves the way for millions of small, medium and large-sized farms around the globe to emulate his experiment and slash millions of dollars off the cost of growing Kurt Bantle fruit and vegetables. The connectivity solution provided by Spirent together with its IoT ecosystem partners for avocado trees applies to every type of vegetable and fruit farming including almonds, olives, apples, oranges and tomatoes. Spirent's Embedded Connectivity solution will be launched during 2016 in a phased manner so that the commercially available solution conforms to the corresponding GSMA specification releases. July 2016 | Farming Monthly | 11