Farming Monthly National January 2017 | Page 40

| Forestry

New conference highlights how agroforestry can boost productivity

The Soil Association , the Woodland Trust and the Royal Forestry Society team up for a new internationally attended agroforestry conference , to be held at Cranfield University on 22 June 2017 .

A major review for the Land Use Policy Group found that agroforestry was one of the systems with the greatest potential for the ‘ sustainable intensification ’ of farming . This new conference will focus on this opportunity and what it means in practice for farmers , foresters and landowners .

Tom MacMillan , Director of Innovation at the Soil Association
said ; “ Agroforestry is exciting because of its potential to lift productivity at the same time as benefitting the climate and wildlife . Two acres that combine trees and farming will produce more than an acre of each side by side , because the trees use sunlight , water and nutrients at different heights and depths . You get all sorts – timber , fruit , nuts , combined with arable or pasture . It ’ s intercropping but supersized .”
Agroforestry has many
associated benefits : Bangor University is currently measuring the effectiveness of trees and shelter belts to protect flocks from adverse weather using lifelike electric models of sheep . PhD student Pip Jones said : “ Tree shelter from chilling wind could save energy and provide a real efficiency boost in the conversion of energy eaten to actual growth and health in our young livestock .”
The conference will showcase some of the UK ’ s leading agroforestry systems and look at the main steps and questions faced in getting them off the ground . It will look particularly at how farmers can find new markets from trees , whether for fruit , nuts or timber , or for ‘ public goods ’ like flood protection or wildlife .
Stephen Briggs of Whitehall Farm , Cambridgeshire said ; “ Since integrating apple trees in rows within my arable rotation of wheat , barley , clover and vegetables , my farm has established the largest agroforestry system in the UK . 8 % of the land area has a tree crop on it with 92 % of land remaining in arable production . The threedimensional agroforestry combination provides an annual
and longer term economic return from both components by utilising more space above and below ground , better captures resources such as sunlight , nutrients and water , protects soil and enhances biodiversity . What ’ s not to like ?” National and international speakers are included in the lineup , along with those currently practicing agroforestry techniques , and Charlotte Smith of BBC Radio 4 will chair the sessions . Some of the topics that will be covered include :
• The practical benefits of agroforestry
• Designing an agroforestry system
• Finding suitable markets for tree crops
• Securing permission from landlords
• Public payments for ecosystem services
Tickets have now been released for general sale and are available here : https :// www . soilassociation . org / ag roforestry /
Find any updates about the conference on Twitter : # agroforestry2017 # agroforestry
40 | Farming Monthly | January 2017 www . farmingmonthly . co . uk