W ith nearly 500 ATVs having been delivered to customers across the UK from Suzuki ’ s dealer network theft has dropped by nearly 20 %. Compared to other brands Suzuki are the only one to fit CESAR as standard and , not surprisingly , the only one to have seen a reduction in theft – Yamaha thefts have increased 33 % and Honda a worrying 62 %! ( Datatag , 2016 ). George Cheeseman of Suzuki said ‘ We chose the CESAR Compact System for our range of ATVs as it has had such a dramatic effect on theft of larger scale agricultural machinery – we are really pleased that this success has been replicated with the ATV sector . Deciding to fit it as standard was an easy decision and proves our dedication to providing our customers with the absolute best ATV package available on the market .’
Something Joe Lintell , a sheep farmer from Dorset who relies on his ATV for all his work , has clearly recognised saying , “ The fact that Suzuki ATVs come with Datatag as standard is such a reassurance and is one of the reasons I chose the KingQuad 500 .”
This customer reassurance is also well received by Suzuki ’ s Dealer Network who see the result of rural crime all too often and work hard to get farmers back on the road as quickly as possible .
The CESAR Compact System is available as an aftermarket fit for
all owners of ATVs and side-bysides that are not currently protected , visit www . cesarscheme . org to find details of your nearest CESAR fitter .
Suzuki has over 70 Dealers in the UK selling the manufacturer ’ s range of utility and sports ATVs – all offering customers the fantastic benefits that come with choosing Suzuki : Try before you buy Knowing that customers want an ATV that is comfortable , reliable and hard-working ; Suzuki offers customers the chance to try before they buy in order to help them get a feel for the right model and the company ’ s expert dealers are onhand to help customers to find the right ATV for them . Free Suzuki workwear kit Suzuki knows that customers will be riding their ATVs in all weathers and conditions . So when customers buy from an Authorised Suzuki Dealer , they will receive a free Suzuki workwear kit , consisting of a branded bodywarmer and overalls . Courtesy ATV Scheme Suzuki understands that customers rely on their ATVs and therefore gives a courtesy Suzuki ATV to keep customers ’ businesses on the move when they take their machine – whatever the make or model – in to an Authorised Suzuki Dealer for service or repairs . Theft deterrent as standard FREE on all new Suzuki utility ATVs , the CESAR Security System powered by Datatag gives each ATV a unique ‘ fingerprint ’ with an
identity that cannot be erased , which acts as a strong theft deterrent and a tool for recovery should the worst happen – plus , it |