H owever , interest in water and food security is still strong if the number of recent meetings and conferences is anything to go by . One delegate brought everyone down to earth by saying ‘ we should not forget that we owe our very existence to 6 inches of top soil and the fact that it rains ’. We can add irrigation to that as well which of course all depends on rainfall . So what better time to take a look beyond these more immediate worries over which we have little control , and think about the future of water resources over which farmers can exert much more influence , particularly by
working together and with other water users . It ’ s called Integrated Water Resources Management – IWRM for short .
This is the UK Irrigation Association Conference theme on 1 March in Peterborough . It focuses on Water Resources East ( WRE ) which is a pioneering project involving farmers , water utilities , environmental groups , internal drainage boards , and industry . It is taking a serious long look at how much water we may need up to 50 years ahead and where it might come from . Reservoirs are on the agenda , both big and small , that serve farming and domestic water supplies and include environmental needs . A similar project is getting underway in the
South East and others may follow .
Steve Moncaster Anglian Water leads the WRE project and will update delegates on progress and on his experiences during a visit to the USA where similar initiatives are underway to bring different water users together and cooperate over limited water resources . Our special guest speaker from the USA , Thomas Tebb , Director Office of Colombia River , Washington State will follow Steve and discuss his first-hand experience of working to solve water conflicts among various users where there are strong environmental and farming interests .
How does WRE impact on irrigation ? David Matthews , who trickle irrigates potatoes near Spalding and is closely involved in a planning initiative with Black Sluice IDB will provide a farmer perspective . And Professor Jerry Knox , Cranfield will assess future irrigation water demands and ask do we need a 25-year plan for water for food ? It is a question the UKIA are continually being asked by planners and yet we do not have an answer .
Innes Thomson , CEO Association of Drainage Authorities , will talk about the IDBs
and how we might avoid pumping water into the North Sea and make better use of it in the summer months . And Professor Paul Leinster , who was CEO of the Environment Agency , and is an advisor on natural capital to Defra ’ s forthcoming 25-year plan for the environment , will discuss how the environment fits into the water picture .
Jeremey Wiltshire , Ricardo will present the results of the recent AHDB Irrigation Survey and what we need to secure future water for food . James Dodds MD at Envireau Water , will talk about the importance of data gathering and analysis to support evidencebased decision making . No longer does the loudest voice decide what happens . He will also touch on the trickle irrigation saga .
Finally Professor Joe Morris , Cranfield will use his many , many years of experience in agriculture and water management both in UK and internationally to round off with some strident views on Brexit – Irrigation under more uncertainty
This is a great opportunity to start the year with a bang . So register now on the UKIA website www . ukia . org Melvyn Kay UKIA Exec Secretary