Farming Monthly National December 2017 | Page 10

| Arable

CropTec cements reputation as UK arable sector ’ s leading knowledge exchange event

The CropTec Show ’ s unique blend of innovative trade stands and topical seminar sessions has again proved a strong draw for progressive arable farmers and agronomists looking to improve technical and business performance .

O ver 4000 visitors flocked to the two-day event , which was held on 29th and 30th November at the East of England Showground , Peterborough .

More than 170 companies , many at the forefront of arable innovation , filled the exhibition halls at the show . They provided an ideal opportunity for key decision makers from farms across the country to discuss the latest crop science , technology , products , and services .
The CropTec seminars and knowledge hubs – short , sharp presentations delivering key take-away messages – hosted more than 30 of the sector ’ s leading experts and also drew large audiences .
The seminars covered four key areas affecting profitability – crop establishment , crop nutrition , crop protection and crop breeding , and several sessions were standing room only .
The knowledge hubs examined black-grass control , oilseed rape quality and weed management , biostimulants , and data & analytics .
CropTec also included a popular sprayer demo area where visitors could drive some of the most advanced sprayers in the market . New for 2017 was the Farm491 Farm Innovation Zone , where visitors were able to speak to a range of leading agritech innovators .
Elisabeth Mork-Eidem , group head of events at Briefing Media , which organises The CropTec Show , said : “ CropTec aims to give visitors the chance to explore a wide range of novel science and innovative technology in an informal atmosphere , creating the ideal forum to exchange ideas and experiences with exhibitors , researchers and other farmers and agronomists .
“ This year ’ s show certainly delivered on all fronts , attracting the biggest CropTec attendance figure to date . Visitors were able to glean information by networking with likeminded industry peers , from the wellresearched , topical seminars and from talking to expert staff in the exhibition halls .
“ This was our best show yet , and it was buzzing from start to finish . We received some fantastic feedback from exhibitors and visitors alike .
“ We are very proud to be working alongside some of the world ’ s most innovative farmers , researchers and companies , and we are already working on how to continue to improve the show in 2018 .”
Stephen Howe , CropTec development director , said the event ’ s focus on providing technical and business information to help growers and advisers control costs of production had attracted a high-quality audience .
“ That focus on costs , with the added element of benchmarking , is even more important today if our arable producers are to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic global market ,” said Mr Howe .
“ With the UK due to leave the European Union in 16 months , short-term uncertainty about Brexit is in danger of throttling one of the UK ’ s most successful industries , and the main contributor and catalyst is politics , over which farmers have little control .
“ This emphasises the need for farmers to focus on things that they can control . CropTec provided plenty of opportunity for visitors to discuss many options to help safeguard their businesses , such as the future of farm support ; business expansion or contraction ; the role of environmental schemes ; machinery investment ; or the future of our crop protection armoury .”
Sarah Rixon , commercial director of Adama Agricultural Solutions UK , CropTec ’ s principal sponsor , said : “ CropTec 2017 has once again proven to be the event for professional arable growers and agronomists to access to the latest and best technological knowledge and advice .
“ The 2017 show was our fourth year as title sponsor and once again we were delighted to speak to so many ambitious , upbeat and optimistic growers and agronomists .
“ The industry isn ’ t without its fair share of challenges , from regulatory and environmental pressures , to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the outcome of the current Brexit negotiations .
“ It was heartening to hear about the novel ways in which growers are overcoming these hurdles , and also to share our ideas for how they can get the most out of the current range of available crop protection products .”
The value that farmers put on The CropTec Show was highlighted in a stream of tweets during and after the event , including :
Suffolk farmers @ The _ Barker _ Boys : Enjoyed speaking @ CropTecShow over past two days . Farmers really have an opportunity to challenge their farming systems …
Yorkshire farmer and contractor @ JSScholes1 : Buzz words from @ CropTecShow Soil management , phosphate management , challenge current thinking # interestingstuff
Notts-based agronomist @ ianholmes20 : Good day at @ CropTecShow today - some interesting seminar sessions and good to catch up with a number of people round the show !
Lincs-based farmer @ ChrisHewis : Well done to everyone at @ CropTecShow for a successful event . Great to see the car park full until the end of day 2 . Now an established event .
Cambridge-based management trainee @ JJ _ Macleod : Great day spent @ CropTecShow today . Highly recommend a visit next year !
Yorkshire-based foreman @ Farmertom08 : @ CropTecShow Good Show Today . Good Facilities , Nicely laid out . See you next year . Northamptonshire farmer @ 11smay : @ The _ Barker _ Boys & @ wormscience thanks for great talks @ CropTecShow today very interesting and informative the best presentations of the day
The CropTec Show returns to the East of England Showground , Peterborough on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th November 2018 .
10 | Farming Monthly | December 2017 www . farmingmonthly . co . uk