| Muck & Slurry
Greencrop Sepcom the unique separator
The Sepcom Separator is already used throughout the world as a slurry separator, it has many benefits over similarly
designed machines.
he unique
screw is made up
of easily
sections, which
reduces the running costs. This
special screw rubs closer than the
stainless steel screw, which keeps
the screen clear and gives a better
The Sepcom separator is also
used in Anaerobic Digestion
(AD) plants
Another advantage of the
Sepcom Separator is the
diaphragm outlet, this simple
device allows a back- pressure to
the separated material to increase
separation and this is further
improved by adding a second
diaphragm to the outlet. There are
two models for the livestock sector
with the Sepcom 45 at up to
15m3hr and the 65 up to 30m3hr
at 30% solids.
The Sepcom separator is also
used in Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
plants occasionally to prepare the
material before the digester.
However normally the Sepcom
Separator is used to separate the
digested material. In this situation
the Sepcom is fitted with a special
polymer screw as the temperature
of the digestate can exceed 30o C,
the technopolymer screws greatly
reducing running costs.
A special stainless steel chute is
fitted to the outlet that holds the
plug creating a greater back
pressure, and retains the plug
when the separator stops. We use
an inverter to run an auto reverse
rotation of the screw to help clean
the screen helping to reduce the
servicing time. This unit can cope
with an ST of 14.
We can also offer the unique
Vertical range of Sepcoms which
are excellent on food waste plants.
With the twin vertical action it is
less likely to lose the solid plug
and again we use the
technopolymer screws that help to
keep the screens clean. At the
moment, we can offer the V150 up
to 10m3hr and the V200 up to
Greenbedding, Visscher and
Sepcom have teamed up together
to produce a special green
bedding separator with low power
cost to produce bedding between
33-36% DM. This is now worth
looking into with the high costs of
Greencrop also supplies a full
range of pumps and shredder
pumps, which are used to handle
liquid based materials. The
pumps, manufactured by
Veneroni, are of a very high quality
and low maintenance and can be
used to feed slurry or digestate to
the Sepcom