Farming Monthly National August 2016 | Page 40

| Buildings RIDBA celebrates 60 successful years The Rural and Industrial Design and Building Association (RIDBA) celebrated its 60th anniversary with a special Gala Dinner at the Welcombe Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon on 16 June. ndustry guests enjoyed a fabulous three course meal and were entertained and amazed by ‘Card Ninja’ Javier Jarquin before finishing off the evening with music and dancing. Formed in 1956 as The Farm Buildings Association, the organisation’s objective was to encourage all those involved in farm buildings to join together to improve standards and share knowledge. In 2005 it changed its name to RIDBA in recognition that construction practices in industrial and farm buildings were becoming aligned and many members were I 40 | Farming Monthly | August 2016 involved in both sectors. In recent years, RIDBA has been at the forefront of the industry working on key initiatives such as supporting its members to achieve CE mark accreditation. RIDBA Chairman, James Anthony, welcomed guests and outlined RIDBA’s current priorities: to increase member engagement, to develop the profile of RIDBA and to review its governance and operation. Earlier in the day, members had met to determine the future vision for RIDBA and how they could help RIDBA to continue to grow. James confirmed that a new strategy would be produced to drive the association forward and address the key issues for members. Former Secretary Tony Hutchinson was also recognised at the Gala Dinner for his service to RIDBA over the last 16 years. RIDBA Chairman, James Anthony said: “I am incredibly proud to be Chairman of RIDBA during its 60th anniversary year. RIDBA has achieved a great deal on behalf of the sector and this work will continue during our anniversary year. With the secretariat provided by Build UK now well established I have confidence that the association will go from strength to strength.”