| Slurry
Effective dribble bars for slurry and digestate
Bauer’s range of polyester
tank slurry and digestate
spreaders can be equipped
with a choice of application
systems to suit different
situations with regard to
terrain, crops and tramline
ribble bar slurry
and digestate
applicators for
Bauer spreaders
are available in
9m, 12m, 15m and
18m widths to the standard
design, and to 21m, 24m, 27m and
30m with the heavy-duty design,
with its double mounting frame
engineered for strength without
excessive weight and a folding
geometry that avoids placing
unnecessary stresses on
During the boom folding
procedure for transport, all
sections rotate to an upright
position to prevent drips from the
flexible dribble tubes. Outer
booms sections, which can be
18m to 27m wide depending upon
the overall width of the boom, fold
on to the main section for
The boom can also be operated
in this configuration – with outer
sections folded – to provide a
choice of working widths for crop
top-dressing when travelling along
An integrated chopping
mechanism deals with any fibrous
matter in the fluid being applied to
prevent blockage in the
distribution and dribble pipework,
and the hydraulic shut-off and
drip-stop mechanism is the
simplest means of giving reliable
and effective control.
The dribble bar applicators are
available on Bauer’s Professional
series spreaders, which have a
galvanised steel chassis
supporting heart-shaped tanks
formed from corrosion-free
polyester-reinforced resin. This
material provides significant
weight saving without sacrificing
strength and durability.
There are tank sizes from
10.5cu m to 26cu m – 10,500-litres
to 26,000-litres (2300-5700gal) –
and operating on highspecification rocking beam
running gear for optimum stability
on the road and in the field.
August 2016 | Farming Monthly | 33