| Energy
Anaerobic digestion plants for dairy farmers
AD4Energy, a British firm specialising in the design, build and commissioning of small to medium-scale anaerobic
digestion (AD) plants is launching a new range of low-cost, personalised AD plants.
he company has
been actively
listening to
regarding the
reduction in tariffs
available for energy generated by
anaerobic digestion and is fully
aware of the hit on the agriculture;
more specifically the dairy
industry, with cuts to the price of
milk. With that in mind the new
range of AD plants is aimed at
farms and businesses that battle
with high energy bills, want to
effectively dispose of waste and
have use for the generated heat
and electricity.
The suite of low-cost,
personalised AD plants, start with
an entry level model that’s main
purpose is to digest liquid
feedstock, i.e. slurry or cheese
whey, and to produce heat. The
heat can be used by the business
or on farm e.g. heating the calf
sheds, warming the drinking water
or alternatively the heat can be put
through a heat expansion unit that
will convert it into cold air for
28 | Farming Monthly | August 2016
chilling. On top of this the RHI
(Renewable Heat Incentive) tariff
be claimed through the heat used.
From the entry level model
optional extras can be added into
the AD plant i.e. a CHP (Combined
Heat and Power) unit to produce
electricity, feeding systems or
dryers and chillers; in order to help
build an AD plant that is best
suited to the client’s available
feedstock and energy
Alongside the new AD plants,
small to medium-scale semi-plug
flow and CSTR digesters are also
available; as well as a full suite of
additional services. These include
but are not limited to: free
economic assessments, planning
and permitting, mechanical and
biological aftercare services and
assistance with funding.
For more information or for a
free consultation, contact
AD4Energy via the following
channels: Tel: 01584 817 224
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ad4energy.com