Farming Monthly National August 2016 | Page 10

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emerging as agricultural co-workers

The technology is mature and ready for the field , say experts .

A dvanced engineering could be the solution for the sustainable intensification of agriculture , as technology for producing service robots reaches maturity . Experts in robotics from University of Cambridge , University of Lincoln and Harper Adams University will be discussing the latest developments during Agri-Tech East ’ s ‘ Pollinator ’ event on 11 October 2016 .

So what exactly is a robot ? Dr Andre Rosendo , a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge , believes that there are two critical factors that separate a robot from a machine – the capacity to be autonomous or to act with some degree of decision , and presence of actuators , which allow a machine to alter its
environments . This precludes computers and fridges from being called robots .
He explains : “ We are using our knowledge of soft robotics to create deformable manipulators , or ‘ hands ’, that can manipulate ‘ fragile ’ produce , such as broccoli , strawberry and mushrooms . Currently , we are working on Vegebot , a harvesting robot that can handle and cut iceberg lettuces with the same handling care as human harvesters . In the future the robots will have the potential to help elderly people from their beds , to handle glasses as a bartender or to interact with children .”
Dr Rosendo will be speaking at the Agri-Tech East event alongside Professor Tom Duckett , who leads the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems at the University of Lincoln .
Professor Duckett says that agricultural robotics bring benefits of reduced labour costs , economic sustainability , less waste and better use of natural resources . The technology has the potential to be deployed at any time of day and impact positively on the productivity and life quality of agricultural workers .
The Lincoln team , part of the University ’ s Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology , has been working on multiple projects in this area including 3D mapping techniques for improving the precision of agricultural sprayers and a new project in 3D imaging for broccoli harvesting , which is producing strong results and attracting interest from end users such as the Brassica Growers Association .
Prof . Duckett continues : “ Already we can envisage
agricultural robots that could perform multiple tasks , for example , inter-changeable tools would allow switching between tasks such as seeding , tillage , spraying and harvesting .
“ You could also have robots for agriculture and food production that would perform other useful tasks at the same time such as surveillance , keeping a watchful eye on crops , livestock and expensive farm machinery , while carrying out their primary duties on the farm or in the factory .”
A number of machinery companies are investing in the technology and a project in 3D imaging for robotic weeding is currently being carried out with a local company , Garford Farm Machinery , world leaders in automated weeding equipment .
Prof . Duckett believes that the underpinning technologies for
10 | Farming Monthly | August 2016 www . farmingmonthly . co . uk