Farmers Review Africa Nov-Dec 2018 Farmers Review November-December 2018-6 | Page 11

reduced losses associated with pests and diseases,” Lusenaka says. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back The introduction of VAT now creates a totally different environment. Coming at a time when Kenya is struggling to transform the agricultural sector and has identified food security as a top national priority, the move has left a bitter taste with the nascent agchem industry, which was on a growth trajectory. It is estimated that pesticides consumption in Kenya stands at about 14 million kilograms annually compared to a country like South Africa at 35 million kilograms. “The gains so far achieved in the agriculture sector are likely to be eroded,” Lusenaka says. She adds that the compounded adverse effect would be felt in terms of reduced agricultural production, reduced incomes and livelihoods for various value-chain players, increased food insecurity, and reduced agricultural sector growth and would ultimately affect gross domestic product. Worse still, the industry, which is already suffering from problems of counterfeits and illegal imports, could witness an unprecedented surge in the menace, particularly with products entering from neighboring countries, such as Tanzania and Uganda, where they do not attract VAT. In Kenya a total of 18% of pest control products are counterfeits, with the situation being worse in Tanzania and Uganda, where up to 40% and 45%, respectively, are counterfeits. “This is another risk for Kenya because more illegal products will come from neighboring countries because of the price difference and high rates of counterfeits,” Bureau says. Another major concern is that, with pesticides being out of reach for farmers, pests and diseases will have a field day. This is quite alarming considering that pests and diseases already contribute for 40% to 100% of crop loss, a situation that is bound to get worse with the emergence and upsurge of new pests, such as the fall armyworm and tuta absoluta among others. For companies, the inability to push products in the market could set in motion a tragic trend of downscaling, closing, or relocating to countries with favorable tax regimes. It goes without saying that, although Kenya takes pride in its 85 agrichemical companies, fewer than a quarter control about 65% of the market, with the others teetering on survival mode. Composite Default screen PART OF EVERY PROCESS Dedicated to Brilliant Service QUALITY AGRICULTURAL COMPONENTS When it comes to keeping vehicles and machinery at optimal operating levels, never compromise. While fitting inferior quality parts might be appealing initially, they need replacing far sooner than BMG's OEM-quality products. Products that are engineered to improve productivity, efficiency and cut costs in the long term. With the widest range and largest stockholding of quality agricultural components, supported by technical expertise – contact BMG today. • B e a r i n g s • F a s t e n e r s • A g r i c u l t u r a l C h a i n s • D r i v e B e l t s • T i e R o d C y l i n d e r s • H a n d & P o w e r T o o l s • P T O S h a f t s • E l e c t r i c M o t o r s • T r a c t o r A c c e s s o r i e s • I r r i g a t i o n G e a r b o x e s ISO 9001 Certified ISO 14001 Certified OHSAS 18001 Certified BEARINGS EMPOWERING SUPPLIER BEARINGS SEALS • POWER • TRANSMISSION DRIVES • MOTORS & MATERIALS • HANDLING SEALS • POWER • TRANSMISSION DRIVES • MOTORS & MATERIALS • HANDLING FASTENERS • TOOLS HYDRAULICS & PNEUMATICS • FILTRATION LUBRICATION • VALVES • TECH • • NICAL RESOURCES FASTENERS & TOOLS HYDRAULICS • PNEUMATICS • FILTRATION • LUBRICATION • VALVES • TECHNICAL • RESOURCES FIELD SERVICES • FIELD • SERVICES For more information contact your nearest BMG branch. 1 November - December 2018 | 9