Domaine des Trente Arpents
Ø Loca on
· Favières, near Tournan en Brie, Seine et Marne
· Distance from Paris Nord Villepinte: 40 km / 46 minutes
Owned by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild, this very busy 1,600-hectare estate employs 28 people all year round. The current mixed
ac vi es profile — which includes forestry, cereal crops, ca le breeding and cheese produc on — owes a great deal to Baron
Edmond de Rothschild, the father of the current owner Benjamin de Rothschild. His personal involvement in the life of the estate is
par cularly evident in the development of breeding, and overseeing the en re dairy produc on chain.
Ø Special features
· Mixed ac vi es
· On-site processing of 1.5 million litres of milk annually (4,000 litres daily)
· The only producer of Brie de Meaux cheese bearing the “Farm” quality label
Livestock breeding
Livestock breeding was expanded in the early ‘90s, with two new cowsheds and an ultramodern milking parlour. There are now 320 ca le, including 150 Prim’Holstein dairy cows
– a breed renowned for their produc vity and milk quality. These cows also produce 180
calves each year.
The arable opera on
State-of-the-art machinery and efficient processes enable the estate to produce 2,500
tonnes of cereals annually (wheat, maize, peas, rape and barley), stored and kept on site.
Some silage is used to feed the ca le over winter.
The Trente Arpents Farm produces the only Brie de Meaux cheese to have been granted a
“Farm” quality label. Since the ripening cellars began opera ng in 1995, the estate has
handled the en re cheese produc on process and is also able to adapt the condi ons and
dura on of ageing to customers’ individual requirements.
Sustainable development and resource op misa on
Methana on and recycling of wood waste, which is converted to wood chip fuel, are just
two of the ini a ves being trialled at Trente Arpents.
To visit Domaine des Trente Arpents
Please contact the SIMA office for your country.
Only groups can be accepted, but this is subject to availability of places.
Please note: Visits available only for groups of up to 30.
Availability: Monday 27 February 2017, morning