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BASF launches
'Farming, the Biggest Job on Earth' campaign
farming as the biggest job on earth because our
profession ensuring growing demands are met,
the Biggest Job on Earth' to address the
lives begin with eating. e person who
year aer year.
growing demand for food on dwindling land
produces the food,
BASF has launched a campaign titled 'Farming,
e world's leading chemical company BASF
the most basic of
has developed a new campaign aimed at
human needs has the
celebrating farmers across the globe and
biggest job to do. e
supporting agriculture to enable increasing
future for all of us is
production of enough food for the burgeoning
in the farmers'
world population estimated to reach nine
hands,” Mbaya added.
billion by 2050.
He reiterated that
Dubbed 'Farming, the biggest job on earth,' the
BASF is working with
campaign seeks to assist farmers access latest
farmers to keep the
farming innovations, ensuring soil remains
soil fertile and fruitful
healthy and connecting farmers to high quality,
with the right
fast maturing drought tolerant seed varieties.
amounts of water and
“In 1960 the total agricultural areas was 4,300
sq m per head, in 2005 it shrunk to 2200 and by
2030 this will shrink further to 1800. is
technology, food
means that the same parcel of land, has been
production becomes a
feeding more people. Population grows, land
herculean task, BASF
does not. e only way we can ensure that
stated, explaining
parcel of land can continue feeding more
why supporting
mouths is make it more productive through
farmers to access
innovation,” said Gi Mbaya, Sub Hub
innovation, solutions
Manager – Crop Protection & Public Health at
and experts will
BASF East Africa Ltd during the National
enable them to
Farmer's Awards 2016.
“At BASF we create chemistry to equip
improve productivity,
increase efficiency,
farmers with the skills needed to improve
and stay at the cutting
productivity. It is for this reason that we see
edge of their
November - December 2016