Products & Services
DroneDeploy launches Fieldscanner tool to enhance drone usage
�e DroneDeploy app allows users to create ight plans for drones for collecting information on speci c tasks . �e new Fieldscanner enhancement allows the so�ware to create a lowresolution map that a scout can use right away to track crop issues . Fieldscanner is a real-time drone mapping tool for immediate in- eld crop analysis . It instantly captures a 2d , lowresolution eld map as the drone ies , enabling farmers to make crop management decisions on the spot . �is makes it easier than ever to quickly identify crop stress and address problem areas before they spread .
DroneDeploy has launched Fieldscanner , an enhancement for its app , which provides in- eld , real-time offline maps for improved scouting
“ Growers have been asking for real-time , in- eld mapping for a long time , and we ' re excited to be the rst company to deliver a solution ,” said Mike Winn , CEO at DroneDeploy . Poor connectivity and slow internet speeds have long posed a challenge for mapping in remote areas . To overcome these issues , Fieldscanner , which is designed for use in elds , c a n o p e r a t e entirely offline , with no need for cellular or data c o v e r a g e . Fieldscanner uses DroneDeploy ' s existing automatic ight planning for DJI drones and adds local processing on the drone and mobile device to create a low-resolution Fieldscan as the drone is ying , thereby eliminating the need to process imagery into a map on a computer a�er the ight .
May - June 2017
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