So how do we help to increase food production ? We know that increasing the levels and quality of education generally is essential to raising productivity – and agriculture is no different . For starters , improving the understanding and use of soil and techniques such as irrigation ; growing the use of technology , and improving seed selection will lead to improved crop yields . In time , feeding more people and animals will improve productivity levels , reduce food insecurity and assist with economic growth .
Growing skills in agriculture through improved education and training will increase agricultural productivity , improve production and marketing processes , and help to unlock the sector ' s enormous potential .
Of concern , however , is the fact that young people are moving away from rural and into urban areas in the search for jobs and opportunities . At the same time , the quality and availability of agricultural education have declined , leading to fewer students enrolling in agricultural courses . Add to this the mass student protests against the high costs of education across the world and the result is a chronic shortage of trained human resources i n t h e e l d o f a g r i c u l t u r e .