Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 Farmers Review Africa July/Aug 2017 | Page 28

Supplement Fencing Solu ons for farms
your animals escape from another type of fencing , you lose certain protections that are afforded under the state ' s fence law .
Woven Wire Fences Sheep , goats , pigs and poultry are difficult to contain . �ey climb , dig or y through many fences , so for years woven wire has been the choice for these animals . It ' s also favored by many horse owners — as horses are less likely to get tangled in woven wire than in barbed wire — and because of its sturdy character , it ' s o�en used for corrals and night-holding pens in areas with predator problems .
A well-made , woven wire fence can last for 20 years with moderate maintenance — unless you live in a high-snow region where the weight of the winter ' s snow tends to pull it down . Initial construction of a woven wire fence requires heavy-duty wooden posts to support the weight .
High Tensile Wire Fences High-tensile wire fencing is effective in both smooth and woven wire designs . Unlike traditional galvanized wire , high-tensile wire is extremely strong and has a life expectancy up to 50 years , with minimal maintenance . Initial construction costs can be high , and it requires specialized equipment and skills that the neophyte fence builder might not have , but it is perhaps the most economical and trouble-free fence if amortized out over the life of the fence . It is like the Humvee of fences : durable and heavyduty .
Synthetic Fences When synthetic fencing hit the market in the 1970s , it had a reputation for failing or looking shabby a�er a few years in the sun . But the class of synthetic fencing that ' s been around for the last decade has improved tremendously and now o�en comes with a lifetime guarantee against discoloration , rusting , peeling , rotting or splintering .
�ere are many types of synthetic fencing . PVC fencing is hollow rails sunk into heavy-duty posts . High-tensile polymer rail fences are exible systems where rails slide through postmounted brackets . Rail sizes can vary , but are designed to ex upon impact to reduce livestock injury . Like high-tensile fences , PVC requires a substantial up-front expenditure , specialized tools and skills to install , but with their longevity , their long-term cost is very reasonable . Because of their cost , they are most o�en used for horses and exotic animals , like llamas , alpacas or emus , in suburban areas , but are rarely seen in remote rural areas .
Electric Fences Electric fencing provides great exibility and exists with fairly low maintenance if constructed properly . It is also a fairly inexpensive option , regardless of what you need to fence in ( or out ). Electric fence is effective largely because it offers the same type of reaction that livestock are accustomed to in a herd environment . �ose who challenge the herd leader receive an immediate , aggressive response . �ose who challenge electric boundaries get an instant bite as well , thereby establishing the rules .
1 . Sta x Electric Fence and Security Systems- Electric fencing , a better management tool �ere ' s nothing new about using electricity to control livestock . For over a hundred years farmers have been successfully using electric fences to control their domestic livestock . In more recent decades electric fences have also been used very s u c c e s s f u l l y t o c o n t a i n A f r i c a n wildlife and they are now even being used i n t h e u r b a n environment as a very effective security tool . �e answer is quite simple ; it ' s versatile , e ff e c t i v e a n d economical . Versatile portable strip grazing e l e c t r i c f e n c i n g s y s t e m s g r e a t l y r e d u c e w a s t a g e enabling farmers to m a k e o p t i m u m utilisation of their expensive planted pastures and even their extensive natural veld . �e short , sharp , powerful yet safe shock delivered by an electric fence energizer into a well erected fence line makes the fence an extremely effective psychological fear barrier and management tool . �is means that once trained to it farmers can use far lighter materials and fewer strands of wire when constructing their fences making it an extremely economical form of livestock control .
Modern high powered electric fence energizers are capable of powering many kilometres of multi-strand electric fencing making it a practical and very effective management tool . However , as with all tools , the user needs to be competent and to have a sound understanding of the basic principles of electricity and the techniques used when erecting an electric fence . �e design and the materials to be used to erect an electric fence will dependent on the animals that are to be controlled . For example , for tame domestic dairy animals a single strand of poliwire will be sufficient whereas a game fence may require many more strands depending on the species to be controlled .
Today ' s energizers are also capable of being monitored making them a popular perimeter
July - August 2017
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