Farm Horizons • Oct . 10 , 2016 • Page 23 Corn farmers taking leadership role on water quality issues
By Noah Hultgren Minnesota Corn Growers Association President
A newspaper editorial that appeared in multiple publications this summer called on agriculture to take the lead on managing pollutants .
As farmers , we ’ re always working to improve how we grow food , feed , fiber and fuel for an increasing world population .
And when it comes to the important issue of water quality and managing pollutants , farmers are already playing an important leadership role .
For example , corn farmers in Minnesota voluntarily contribute millions of dollars through a state check-off that funds innovative research efforts at third-party institutions like the University of Minnesota . The majority of this research addresses agriculture water quality and seeks to help farmers better manage nitrogen fertilizer and improve agricultural drainage .
The Minnesota Corn Growers Association also recently started a new Conservation Innovation Grant Program that helps farmers implement new practices to protect water quality . The Corn Growers and other agriculture organizations also support Discovery Farms Minnesota , which is a farmer-led effort to collect accurate , real-world data on sediment and nutrients leaving Minnesota ’ s farm fields .
These are just a few examples of farmers taking the lead on managing pollutants . Unfortunately , none of these efforts were mentioned in the editorial .
In addition to farmer-funded initiatives and research , modern agriculture technology and improved practices help farmers target their use of necessary inputs like nitrogen fertilizer to better protect our lakes , rivers and streams . The amount of technology in my tractor these days looks like a modified version of the space shuttle . Technological advancements help me know which areas of my fields need additional fertilizer and which areas are fine with less . These advancements are very beneficial to area waterways .
More farmers are using a practice called “ side-dressing ” where nitrogen fertilizer is applied throughout the growing season . Side-dressing allows farmers to use the same amount of nitrogen , but apply it more often and in smaller doses throughout the growing season to help ensure that it ’ s available to the crop when needed and kept out of nearby waterways . Farmers also use common conservation practices like grass waterways and buffer strips to protect water quality .
Yes , farmers use buffer strips . They ’ ve been using them since long before Gov . Dayton ’ s recent buffer law . The everyday conservation efforts of today ’ s farmers don ’ t generate proactive headlines , but they are making a difference and are another example of farmers taking the lead on managing pollutants .
As a farmer , it ’ s frustrating when report after report from government agencies and activist groups points the finger at agriculture for water pollution problems . Is there room for improvement in farm country ? Absolutely . Many of the investments , initiatives and existing practices I ’ ve outlined are making progress .
But the news isn ’ t all doom and gloom . A recent report from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency showed reductions in five of seven pollutants found in Minnesota waterways over a 30-year span . That ’ s meaningful progress we can build on .
What we need to continue the positive momentum is more partnership and less finger-pointing . Farmers live in the communities where they farm . The last thing we want to do is pollute our own waterways , or the waterways of our neighbors down the road .
We ’ re often told that improving our state ’ s water quality is too daunting of a task . As a farmer , I find that ridiculous . A big part of farming is overcoming obstacles . Striking the proper balance between maintaining a productive , profitable and sustainable farm operation while protecting our waterways is a challenge farmers are already taking on and will continue to do so .
All Minnesotans share the same goal : Better water quality . We might have some disagreements on how to achieve that goal , but it ’ s time to end the rhetoric and finger-pointing and start doing a better job of working together to achieve our shared goal . •