Farm Fresh Direct 2014 | Página 6

Hinckley • Davy Jones’ Garden 50844 Sand River Rd 320-384-7398 [email protected] Davy Jones’ Garden We offer a full line of fresh picked vegetables available July-October. Sell at Pine City and Sandstone farmers markets. Take Hwy 48 east of Hinckley 16 miles to St. Croix State Park entrance. Go south on Entrance Rd 1.5 miles. Turn right on Sand River Rd and travel .75 miles to first farm. POLK Erskine • Woodside Raspberries 39397 160th Ave SE 218-574-2292 [email protected] U-pick or we-pick raspberries available in July-August. Fresh tomatoes for sale mid-July along with other seasonal garden produce. Located 10 miles south of Mentor on Polk Co Hwy 10. POPE Glenwood • Oakdale Farm & Orchard 23296 235th St 320-634-4054 [email protected] We sell pre-picked apples and pumpkins in the fall. Call late August for availability. Take State Hwy 104 from Glenwood 7 miles south. Turn right on Cty Rd 16, go 1 mile, the farm is on the right a er the curve. RAMSEY Shoreview • Victoria Valley Orchard 4304 N. Victoria St 651-484-4500 [email protected] 20 varie es of pre-picked apples, raw un-pasteurized honey, frozen apple pies and crisp, caramel apples and pumpkins. Open early September to mid-November, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. seven days a week. Located 1 mile north of 694 (exit 43B) on Victoria St. REDWOOD Redwood Falls • Hilltop Harvest LLC 33343 Hunter Ave 507-641-6655 [email protected] We have strawberries available mid-June to mid-July and red raspberries available summer and fall. Located on Hwy 19 - 8.5 miles west of Redwood Falls. Vesta • Holmberg Orchard 12697 325th St 507-762-3131 [email protected] Weekend family fun. Wagon rides to the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkins. Lunch stand. Caramel apples, apple crisp and apple pies. Honeycrisp, Haralson, SweeTango! and Zestar! are some of the apple varie es available. We are located 6 miles west of Vesta on Cty Rd 30, 1 mile north on Cty Rd 8. September-October hours are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. daily. August and November, call for hours. Stewart • Vine Valley Farms 84260 Co Rd 20 320-562-2237 [email protected] We offer large quan es of vegetables. Homegrown produce available includes: zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, cabbage, red beets, sweet corn, winter squash, peppers and onions. From Stewart, travel west 1 mile on Hwy 212, turn north on Co Rd 20 and go 5.5 miles. Our farm is located on right hand side. RICE Lonsdale • Johnson’s Buffalo Ranch 7655 60th Street W 507-744-4204 [email protected] Bison meat – retail by the cut or available to order in quarters or halves. Call for more informa on. We are 42 miles south of downtown Minneapolis, 9 miles west of I-35 on Hwy 19, exit 69. Montgomery • My Minnesota Farmer 35100 191st Ave 612-245-6271 djbraatz@fron My Minnesota Farmer CSA Through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program we provide you with whatever is ripe and delicious each week. We supply you a box of produce each week for the 18week growing season. We also offer egg shares. You can get a full dozen of eggs with your CSA basket each week. SCOTT Belle Plaine • A Place at the Table CSA 1100 W. South St. 612-655-4928 placea [email protected] A Place at the Table CSA Fresh vegetables available through 16-week CSA. CSA shares also available on a week-by-week basis for people who travel or just want to sample a CSA share. Farm is located on land owned by Prairie Oaks Ins tute on west end of Belle Plaine. • Kornder Farms Beef 10476 Old Hwy 169 Blvd 612-366-1911 tgk1227@fron Kornder Farms Beef Selling natural raised beef cuts, quarters and halves. From one pound of ground beef to a whole cow and everything in between. Also available in season: small pine trees, pumpkins, straw bales, corn stalk bundles and other fall décor. We are located just outside of Belle Plaine along US Hwy 169. New Prague • Barten Pumpkins 5716 W. 280th St 952-758-3729 Pumpkins, squash, corn bundles, straw bales. Located 2.5 miles west of New Prague on MN Hwy 19, 50 miles south of Minneapolis. • Prairie Haven Farm 6525 W 270th St 952-758-4128 [email protected] Naturally raised lamb. No an bio cs. Call for availability and orders. STEELE Elk River • Wingard Farms 15596 Co Rd 14 763-263-2635 [email protected] We offer a full line of fresh potatoes for wholesale or retail. Varie es available are Red, Red B size, Yukon gold, Russet, Russet Bakers and Russet Burbank potatoes. The potato farm is located at 15596 Co Rd 14, go 4 miles west of Elk River on U.S. Hwy 10, then go south .25 mile on Co Rd 14. We are open July 25October 15, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Medford • Schull Valley Gardens 7749 NE 34th Ave 507-455-3166 [email protected] We sell farm fresh tomatoes . We are located 4 miles east of Medford on Co Rd 12, 1.1 miles north on 34th Ave. Open 4-8 p.m. SIBLEY Winthrop • Yesterday’s Kitchen 30245 565th Ave 507-647-2103, 320-583-6755 [email protected] Homemade jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit bu er, sugar free spreads and bakery goods. From Winthrop, follow Hwy 15 south to Co Rd 25 west. Follow signs to Yesterday’s Kitchen Goods & Gi s. STEARNS Brooten • Redhead Creamery 31535 463rd Ave 612-219-3947 [email protected] Redhead Creamery @RedheadCreamery Cheese curds, aged Cheddar, grass-fed Lowline Angus beef, Honeycrisp apples, on-farm dinners, cheese classes and hosted events. Search for Redhead Creamery on Google Maps. TODD Long Prairie • Thorson’s Farm Market Mike and Eloise Thorson 218-894-3071 [email protected] We sell all locally grown vegetables and fruit in season. Picked daily. Open mid-June through September from 9 a.m.3 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Located on Hwy 71 south in Long Prairie next to Super 8. WASECA Waseca • Balfe and Scheffert Farm 41253 State Hwy 13 507-835-3951 Pork and lamb are available for sale, processed to your specifica ons and can be purchased in half or whole animals. Raw wool fleeces for spinning available in February. Call in January to book your fleeces. We are Pork Quality Assurance Plus and Transport Quality Assurance Cer fied. We work with a USDA Inspected facility and can provide meat to businesses that require that inspec on. Suet is available in the fall and winter, and ear corn is available throughout the year. Located 5 miles north of Waseca, call for specific direc ons. • Jay Dulas 1215 – 8th St SE 507-833-8164 Pasture raised beef, pork and WASHINGTON Co age Grove • Whispering Gardens 11180 70th St S 651-459-8080 We are family owned, seasonal garden center offering Proven Winners annuals, custom container plan ngs, collector hostas, perennials, large variety of tomato plants including heirloom vegetable plants, shrubs and fruit and shade trees. Let us share our years of experience in gardening, including water gardens, koi, goldfish, water plants and supplies. Browse our exquisite home and garden shop or bring a lunch and enjoy 1.5 acre events garden. Located 1 mile west of Manning Ave on 70th St South. Call for hours. • Zywiec’s Landscape & Garden Center and Haun ng Experience 10900 E. Point Douglas Rd 651-459-3001 www.haun A full service garden center including our own line of annuals and perennials. Specializing in unique landscape and design work with over 20 years of experience. We deliver dirt, rock and mulch. The “Haun ng Experience” runs the month of October with a hayride and House of Horror. Pumpkins are also available. Located 2 miles south of Jamaica Ave on Hwy 61. Forest Lake • Autumnwood Farm 19435 Granada Ave N 651-464-0776 [email protected] Milk produced, pasteurized and bo led right on our farm. Also beef, pork, honey, maple syrup and more. Located south of Forest Lake on Hwy 61, east on 190th St, north on Granada Ave. Has ngs • A on Apple Orchard 14421 S 90th St 651-436-8385 a [email protected] www.a A on Apple U-pick apples, fall raspberries, pumpkins, strawberries, cider, honey, jam, bakery products, corn maze, hay rides and tours. Take I-94 to exit 253 (Manning Ave) south 9 miles to 90th St, east 2.5 miles or take Hwy 61 to MN 95, north 3 miles to 90th St for 2.5 miles. Hugo • Lutz Cuts 7776 157th St N 651-429-3380 Featuring quarters, halves, whole beef; and half and whole pork. Follow Hwy 61 north to Hugo and go east on 147th St 2.5 miles, when it turns into 157th, go .25 mile. Marine on St. Croix • Kelley Farms 11425 155th St North 651-439-2405 [email protected] Quarters and halves, freezer beef. Take Hwy 36 to Manning Ave, turn north on Manning Ave, turn right on 155th St N. S llwater • Axdahl’s Garden Farm and Greenhouse 7452 Manning Ave 651-439-3134 [email protected] Axdahl Farms We are a family owned garden center and greenhouse. CSA Farm Fresh picked produce, plants, flowers, perennials, shrubs and trees. Open April un l Christmas. Located 1 mile north of Hwy 36 on Manning Ave and Co Rd 12 in S llwater. • Country Sun Farm and Greenhouse, Inc. 11211 60th Street 651-439-4156 Featured products include bedding plants, geraniums, hanging baskets, pumpkins and Christmas trees. Fall harvest event also held which includes a corn maze, hay rides, pe ng zoo and more. Located 5 miles west of S llwater on the south side of Hwy 36. • Costa Farm & Greenhouse 9411 Dellwood Rd (Hwy 96) 651-653-1269 [email protected] CostaFarm&Greenhouse Perennials, bedding plants, vegetable plants and herbs late April and large selec on of hanging baskets. Fresh picked vegetables mid-July including sweet corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and peppers. We are located 4.5 miles east of downtown White Bear Lake on Hwy 96 or 4.5 miles west of S llwater on Hwy 96. WINONA Homer • River View Elk Ranch 22054 Government Pointe Rd 507-458-1282 [email protected] We sell elk meat including steaks, sausage and ground meat. Antlers and elk velvet capsules. Winona • Garvin Heights Vineyards 2255 Garvin Heights Rd 507-474-9463 [email protected] Minnesota farm winery: local grape wines, fruit wines and wine accessories. Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. Closed Mondays. Located on scenic Garvin Heights Rd. Turn south from Hwy 61 at Huff St. WRIGHT ® SHERBURNE lamb are available for sale, processed to your specifica ons and can be purchased in half or whole animals. Chickens, ducks and garden fresh vegetables are also available. Delivery available! Buffalo • Green Mountain Lake Wood Products 4692 10th St NE 763-682-0750 [email protected] Hardwood lumber, kiln dried and log sawing. Three miles east of Buffalo on Co Rd 34. • Woods’ Edge Apples 1901 50th St NE 763-682-4409 [email protected] Quality is our number one priority! Apples, raspberries, pumpkins, squash, cider, gi shop and mo re. Wide variety of your favorite apples, including the newest varie es! Buy off the shelf or pick your own (when seasonably available). Open late August through October. Located 3 miles north of Buffalo or 6 miles south of Mon cello on State Hwy 25 at Co Rd 113. Find updated informa on throughout the season at Delano • Woodland Hill Winery 731 Co Rd 30 SE 763-972-4000 ka [email protected] We produce and bo le wines made from our vineyard and local growers. We also have a full service tas ng room and gi shop. Private event space available. Check website for list of current events. ThursdaySaturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday Noon-6 p.m. From the junc on of Hwy 12 and Co Rd 30, follow Co Rd 30 west 4.5 miles. Howard Lake • Swenson Gardens P.O. Box 209 763-350-2051 [email protected] Growing peonies that don’t flop! Bare root peonies may be ordered online, mail order or during peony field days for shipping or pick up in the fall. Check our blog for spring peony field days when we are open to the public. Winsted • Carlson’s Orchard, Bakery and Restaurant 11893 Montgomery Ave SW 320-485-3704 [email protected] Delicious lunches served midAugust to Thanksgiving. Lunch served 11-4 daily. Store open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily (11 a.m.-4 p.m. in November). Closed Mondays. Weekend hay rides, picked and U-pick pumpkins, music most weekends. Check website for schedule. Located from Silver Lake, N of Hwy 7 on Co Rd 2, follow blue Hwy signs. From Winsted, 5 miles west of Winsted on Co Rd 56. YELLOW MEDICINE Boyd • Laechelt Farms LLC 2622 360th St 320-855-2556 laechel arms@fron www.laechel LaecheltFarms Know your farmer! We invite you to visit our gardens and learn how your food is grown. We have CSA shares available and have a food stand at the Farmer’s Market in Montevideo on Thursdays and Saturdays. Our farm store is now open! Fresh eggs, produce, canning, baked goods, fabric, yarn, no ons and gi s... everything you would find in a country mercan le. Call for store hours. Located 6 miles west of Clarkfield on Hwy 67 and .75 miles south on 360th Street. PINE Duluth • Ho auer’s 3361 Lindahl Rd 218-624-4159 [email protected] FarmerDougDuluth Free range chicken, high tunnel tomatoes, cut flowers, apples to zucchini. Christmas trees and wreaths. Open daily from the day a er Thanksgiving un l Christmas. Also at the Duluth Farmer’s Market, 14th Ave E and 3rd St every Wednesday and Saturday from 7 a.m.-Noon. For other markets, see our website. St. Cloud • Sleepy Hollow Farms 3692 220th St 320-251-5112 utleypa [email protected] Pick your own pumpkins, mini pumpkins, pie pumpkins, assorted gourds, birdhouse gourds, fresh squash, colored corn, corn bundles and straw bales. Specialty pumpkins include Atlan c Giants, Super Freaks, Red Warty Things, One-too-Many and White Pumpkins. Located 10.8 miles north of Hwy 55 on Co Rd 2/ Co Rd 7 or 3.7 miles south of I-94 on Co Rd 7. Watch for signs. w Produced for Farm Bureau members as a service to Minnesotans who look to buy directly from the farmer. Henning • Gardens Gourmet 23750 State Hwy 29 218-640-3276 [email protected] Gardens Gourmet offers Grown Naturally – Naturally good berries, herbs and vegetables, which means no herbicides, no pes cides, no fungicides and only Bird Island • Lundstrum’s Vegetables 88794 420th St 320-365-4174 [email protected] Offering a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, available all summer. Also range-fed, an bio c and hormone free chickens that are 4-6 pounds, USDA inspected, frozen and vacuum packed. Homemade jams and jellies, salsa and pickled beets. Ask about our CSA basket deliveries right to your door. From Bird Island travel 3.5 miles north on Hwy 5, go 3.5 miles east on Co Rd 11, then 3 miles north on 420th St. Webster • Havliceks Veseli Vrsek Orchard 26526 Newport Ave 952-758-4386 [email protected] U-pick or pre-picked apples. Also available: basswood honey, plums, pears, grapes and tomatoes during August-October. Open weekends from 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and weekdays by appointment. South of Shakopee, east of Hwy 13 on Co Rd 2, right on Fairlawn, right on 265th St., or south on I-35 to Co Rd 2, west 9 miles to Fairlawn, le to 265th. farm fresh Ba le Lake • Amor Pork 35722 Co Hwy 1 218-495-2090 or 800-620-2208 [email protected] Amor Pork is available year round offering ribs, chops, bacon and more. We also have nitrite/nitrate free products. Amor Pork can also be found at your local Pamida store and the St Paul Farmers Market. Visit our website for more informa on and driving instruc ons. ST LOUIS 2014 OTTER TAIL RENVILLE non-GMO. Our fresh produce can be purchased at our on-farm Country Store, which is open mid-May thru September. We are a CSA with deliveries in Wadena, Vining, Alexandria and Eagle Bend and anywhere in between, on-farm pickups welcome too! We also par cipate in local farmers markets. We are located in west-central Minnesota on Hwy 29, 30 miles north of Alexandria and 15 miles southwest of Wadena. Stop in and shop – Sunday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Minnesota Farm Bureau Rochester • Massage Remedies Wellness 2019 18 ½ St NW 507-280-9577 [email protected] Herbs, healthful living solu ons, whole foods, homemade. Elder care, restora ve diet and weight loss, massage and natural treatments and training for guaranteed sa sfac on of pain relief.