Farm Fresh Direct 2013 | Page 4

• Nowthen, Honey LLC 9280 203rd Ave NW 612-819-1488 [email protected] Facebook: NowthenHoney Twi er: @nowthenhoney Local raw honey. Call for availability, pricing and direc ons. BENTON This lis ng does not cons tute endorsement by the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federa on, nor are we responsible for any claims made within the grower lis ng. AITKIN Aitkin • Chute Farm Fresh Beef 42992 U.S. Hwy 169 218-927-3987 [email protected] All natural, grain finished quality beef available in quarter, half or whole. ANOKA Andover • Eveland Family Farm 2575 Andover Blvd 763-755-5123 [email protected] Over 40 varie es of pumpkins, squash, gourds and fall decora ons a er September 21 un l Halloween. Open from May un l October for group tours, par es, weddings and reunions. Even farm animals and hay rides. Located west of Andover High School on Andover Blvd. Coon Rapids • Rocket Turf 2477 NW Main St 763-755-4930 [email protected] rocke Specializing in Kentucky Bluegrass sod that is marketed to residen al and commercial customers. Sod is available for pick-up, delivery and installa on, Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. We are located 3 blocks east of U.S. Hwy 10 on Hwy 242 (Main St) in Coon Rapids. Ham Lake • Deer Creek Turf 2945 147th Ave NE 763-434-5416 [email protected] We sell sod. Family owned and operated. Call or email for informa on. Lino Lakes • Waldoch Farm Inc. 8174 Lake Dr 651-780-1207 [email protected] Annuals, perennials and shrubs. Many beau ful mixed containers and hanging baskets. Fresh picked vegetables from mid-July thru October. Available picked and pick your own vegetables. Corn maze in October. Located on Lake Dr (Co Rd 23) .5 mile north of Main St (Co Rd 14). Nowthen • Goose Lake Farm and Winery 6760 213th Ave NW 763-753-9632 [email protected] Wine, wine tas ng, wine making supplies, ar san and farmers market, Saturdays May-October, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Also available farm fresh eggs, honey, jams and jellies. Foley • Svihel Vegetable Farm 12004 Duelm Rd NE 320-968-7238 [email protected] Food Alli ance Cer fied. Large supply of pre-picked or pick your own strawberries. We are noted for our “gourmet” sweet corn that is picked fresh daily. A large variety of fruits and vegetables are available including raspberries (spring and fall bearing), blueberries, cucumbers, peppers, peas, green beans, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, squash and pumpkins. Located at the intersec on of MN State Hwy 25 and Duelm Rd. Six miles south of Foley or 10 miles north of Becker on Hwy 25. BLUE EARTH Lake Crystal • Harbo Cider 20758 528th Ave 507-726-2026 [email protected] Hard cider, sweet cider and over 90 varie es of Wisconsin cheese. Located on Hwy 60 west of Mankato, between Mankato and Lake Crystal. Mankato • Prairie Pride Farm of Minnesota 59597 185th St 507-245-3117 [email protected] We offer over 100 fresh/frozen cuts of Berkshire Heritage pork. Individually sold and raised naturally. We also offer whole or cuts of free range chickens raised naturally. St. Paul Farmers Market member and Metro and Greater Minnesota coops. Check website for loca ons and schedule. BBQ catering for weddings and company picnics available. BROWN DAKOTA Springfield • Tomschin Produce 14085 Co Rd 5 507-723-5375 [email protected] Flower and vegetable bedding plants available in May, specializing in over 20 varie es of tomatoes. We have corn, cucumbers, potatoes, green beans, melons and tomatoes in season. Fall produce includes squash, pumpkins and gourds. We are at the Springfield Farmers Market on Saturday mornings July-October. Located 5 miles south of Springfield on Co Rd 5. Farmington • Elk Haven Farm 4628 235th St W 651-463-8045 gdsmith@fron Naturally grown elk meat and elk products. From Farmington, take Co Rd 31 south 2 miles to 235th St, turn right, go 1 block, farm is on le . Call first. CARVER Cologne • Benton Creek Farm 10195 Maplewood Rd 952-466-5587 [email protected] Southdown freezer lambs, processed to your preferences at a USDA inspected facility. “It’s in the flavor—Southdown lamb.” Go 2 miles south of Cologne or 8 miles west of Chaska. Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. Delano • Ames Farm, LTD 11225 Co Rd 20 952-955-3348 [email protected] Twi er: @AmesFarmHoney We sell at the Minneapolis Farmers Markets. Apples, honey and beeswax available. No farm sales on site. New Germany • Providence Orchard & Farm 952-212-4212 [email protected] We sell fresh vegetables, apples, eggs, chicken and turkey. Call for availability and direc ons. Watertown • Scent From Nature 11325 Co Rd 20 218-370-0283 scen 100 percent pure beeswax candles. CHIPPEWA Clara City • Hinterland Vineyards 3060 120th Ave SE 320-847-3060 [email protected] Facebook: Hinterland Vineyards Winery and vineyard. Open year round. Check website for hours. Tours available May 1-December 31. Located 1 mile east of Clara City on Hwy 23, then .5 mile north on 120th Ave SE. CHISAGO Center City • Eichten’s Cheese & Bison 16440 Lake Blvd – (Hwy 8) 651-257-1566 eichtens@fron Ar san cheeses, American bison (buffalo) meat, specialty foods and café. Located on U.S. Hwy 8, 4 miles west of Taylors Falls, 13 miles east of Forest Lake. Chisago City • Jewel Lane Farm 9710 Jewel Lane 651-257-5079 For the finest in handpicked vegetables direct from our farm to you, visit us at the Lindstrom Farmers Market on U.S. Hwy 8. We are open on Wednesdays from 3 p.m-6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m.-Noon mid-July through October 26. Rush City • Thompson Farm 8080 475th St 763-250-0960 [email protected] Grassfed lamb available in the fall. Call ahead to order. Raw wool available. COTTONWOOD Bingham Lake • Know Your Beef 30877 Co Rd 2 507-822-2189 [email protected] Facebook: Know Your Beef Natural beef sides, no hormones or implants. Available May-August. Individual cuts available upon request. Call for more informa on. • Li le Acres Livestock 22795 Anne e Ave 651-460-5297 li [email protected] Our small family farm prides itself on bringing you the best lamb and pork you’ve ever tasted. The sheep roam our rolling green hills grazing on fresh grass. The pigs play outside. Every customer we’ve had has returned with rave reviews, ensuring that you’ll get a product that’s second-to-none. If you want lamb or pork, we’re the place to go. Give us a call. Hampton • Greg’s Meat Processing 6028 250th St 507-263-3373 Fresh cuts of beef and pork. Award winning hams, bacon and sausages. Family owned since 1978. We are easy to get to on US Hwy 52 halfway between St. Paul and Rochester. Has ngs • HHH Ranch 16032 180th St E 651-388-2792 [email protected] Facebook: HHHRanch Trail experiences for all seasons! Horse boarding stable and dogsledding kennel. Offering day camps, trail rides and leases in summer. Dogsled rides and educa onal programs in winter. Scou ng, 4-H and Special Olympics. We are located 3 miles SE of Has ngs. Lakeville • Applewood Orchard 22702 Hamburg Ave 952-985-5425 We have strawberries, raspberries, apples and pumpkins. Everything is pick your own. South on Cedar Ave to 225th then follow signs. Welch • Jones Farms 20880 Ravenna Trail 651-437-3537 knowwhatyouareea [email protected] Know what you are ea ng, know where your beef comes from. We sell USDA inspected ground beef. No drugs or hormones, it is important for us to market top quality products. We grind whole beef for ground beef, not just the trim meat. We also sell quarters, halves and whole beef, half pigs, roas ng pigs, in season fresh canning sweet corn, cage free large brown eggs and canning tomatoes by the bushel. Go direct from the farm to your freezer or your table. We have been in this same loca on since 1965. Call for an appointment, ask for Carol. DODGE Kasson • Witzel Farm and Garden 65035 250th Ave 507-634-4224 [email protected] Sweet onions, tomatoes, sweet corn, squash, pumpkins, pickling cucumbers, melons, apples and o ther in-season vegetables. Open July 15-November 1. From Kasson Kwik Trip, go south on Co Rd 13 or 250th Ave for 1.6 miles. Look for roadside stand on your right (west side of road). DOUGLAS FREEBORN Alexandria • Berry Ridge Farm 1301 Firemans Lodge Rd SW 320-763-6893 [email protected] Fresh fruits and vegetables available May-October, including strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans and more. Located 2 miles west of Alexandria on the east side of Lake Latoka or 2 miles from exit 100 on I-94. Ellendale • Hilltop Greenhouse and Farm 83204 300th St 507-889-3271 Unique homegrown bedding plants, geraniums, perennials, hanging baskets, farm fresh pick vegetables in season, JuneNovember. Located 2 miles north of Hollandale. • Seppanen’s Organic Farm 1860 Englund Rd SW 320-763-7736 [email protected] Fresh picked fruit and vegetables specializing in salad greens, raspberries, peas, beans, squash, potatoes and more, as well as jams, sauerkraut, pickles and whole wheat bread on order. Campsite for rent on good swimming and fishing lake. Available June-November 1. From Hwy 27 off of Hwy 29 by the airport go 4 miles, turn right on Englund Rd, go 1.5 miles and turn le into driveway. Carlos • Beilkes Pleasant View Farm 7571 Co Rd 13 NE 320-852-7802 Pick your own asparagus, red and black raspberries, sweet corn, squash and pumpkins. Eight kinds of wild fruit jellies, asparagus cook books and fish live boxes. Also hand-harvested wild rice, honey and maple syrup. Travel 8 miles north of Alexandria on Hwy 29 to Carlos and 2 miles east and 1 mile north on Co Hwy 13. Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Glenville • Golden Sun Gardens 80479 150th St 507-448-3312 (leave message) [email protected] We sell farm fresh eggs, broilers, fresh vegetables, herbs, cut flowers, bedding and nursery plants. Located 1 mile east of Glenville on Co Rd 13. Open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. May- October. Call ahead. GOODHUE Cannon Falls • Bluff Breeze Farm 6842 338th St Way 507-263-5441 bbfai@fron blu We raise quality Suri alpacas and are known for top-shelf breeding stock, fiber products and excellent customer service. Services include seminars, boarding and mentoring new customers. Locally-grown, harvested and processed yarn, raw fiber and roving, garments, rugs, as well as composted manure in bulk or small quan es. Located 2 miles south of Cannon Falls. Pre-arranged visits are welcome. Mazeppa • Brenny Farms 47211 County 11 Blvd 507-923-1779 [email protected] Facebook: Brenny Farms Natural beef, quarters or halves for sale. 20 minutes north of Rochester, the farm in the valley. Welch • Fredrickson Elk Farm 14109 Sunset Trail 651-258-4057 [email protected] We sell elk roast, steaks, burger, stew meat, snack s cks, jerky, maple breakfast links and summer sausage. We also sell 100 percent velvet antler capsules. Located 8 miles east of Cannon Falls and 2 miles north of Hwy 19. Call for direc ons and ordering informa on. Zumbrota • Ellison Sheep Farm 15775 Hwy 60 Blvd 507-732-5281 Wool rugs, shawls, hats, scarves, wall hangings, handspun yarn in the silo fiber arts gallery. Spinning wheels and looms for sale in the barn studio. Eggs from rare Norwegian chickens and Shetland ducks. Goat cheese. Spinning and weaving lessons. Open by phone appointment or chance. We are located 2 miles west of Zumbrota. • Bridgeview Farms 46070 County 10 Blvd 507-251-0966 [email protected] Facebook: Bridgeview Farms Family owned and operated farm featuring tradi onally raised beef by the quarter, sides or whole. Custom processed to your order at a USDA inspected locker. We are Minnesota Beef Quality Assurance cer fied. We also have a selec on of fall décor available from our self-serve produce stand. Open daily 8 a.m.-6 p.m., September 10-October 31. Pumpkins (large to mini), mini gourds, straw bales, corn stalk bundles and ear corn. Farm visits welcomed by appointment. Located on Goodhue Cty Rd 10, .75 miles northwest of Hwy 58 exit from Hwy 52. HENNEPIN Excelsior • DeeJ’s LLC - Johnson Farms [email protected] Facebook: DeeJs Johnson Farms Specialty and gourmet vegetables grown using sustainable prac ces. Varie es chosen primarily for flavor and to provide a diverse ea ng experience featuring varie es origina ng in Russia, Asia and Europe, as well as heirlooms. We raise salad greens such as arugula, watercress and mustards. We raise and sell cut flowers including peonies, glads, lilies, dahlias and sunflowers. We are at the Chanhassen and Minnetonka farmers markets or call for appointment. Minneapolis • Mother Earth Gardens 3738 42nd Ave S 612-724-2296 [email protected] We sell organic, sustainable and locally grown bedding and nursery plants; organic soil amendments; po ery and garden décor; Christmas trees and handmade wreaths. HOUSTON Caledonia • Buffalo Hills Bison 14011 State Hwy 44 507-450-8300 bu [email protected] We offer USDA inspected buffalo meat. Available on farm or order from our website and have it shipped. Featuring steaks, roasts, burger, sausages and jerky. Hides, skulls and mounts also available. Located 3 miles south of Caledonia on Hwy 44. Houston • Alpine Nursery\Scandia Kicksled 7155 State Hwy 76 507-896-3715 [email protected] We sell annuals, perennials, herbs, shrubs, trees, Scandinavian kicksleds from Norway and log cabin gi s. Family owned since 1950. From Houston travel south 2 miles on State Hwy 76. LaCrescent • Bauer’s Market and Garden Center 221 North 2nd St 507-895-4583 ext. 103 Fresh tomatoes, peppers, onions, beans, squash, pumpkins and fresh sweet corn picked fresh every day. We are located 8.5 miles south of Interna onal Falls on Hwy 53. Facebook: Bauer’s Garden Center Market and Nursery Firmly rooted in LaCrescent since 1957, we feature the largest selec on of fresh-local apples in Southeast Minnesota from midJuly through late winter. Other seasonal produce throughout the growing season. Full service garden center and market offering outstanding annuals, perennials, herb and vegetable plants and aqua c plants. Jams and jellies, local honey, garden and season décor also available. Take I-90 to exit 275, drive south on Hwy 14 and 61 two miles. Bus tours welcome. Li lefork • North Country Farm 4748 Cty Rd 73 218-278-8888 [email protected] Facebook: ElizabethPendergast Goat milk soap, Nubian Goats. Take Hwy 71 to Hwy 65 south in Li lefork, go 5 miles, turn le on Cty Rd 73, go 3 miles. Last driveway on right. ISANTI LAC QUI PARLE Stanchfield • Dew Fresh Produce 404 375th Ave 763-689-2282 [email protected] Pick your own or pre-picked strawberries, blueberries, fall raspberries, wholesale and retail pumpkins and squash. Apples including Minnesota variety Sweetango. We’re located 4.8 miles north of Cambridge on Hwy 65, 2.7 miles west on Co Rd 6, 1.2 miles north on Polk St and .5 mile west on 375th Ave. Canby • Fairchild Farms 1167 121st Ave W 507-277-5622 [email protected] Facebook: FairchildFarms Fresh picked veggies, eggs, chickens, apples and pumpkins. October open to the public. Located on the Hendricks/Marrie a Road. ITASCA Gheen • Graceland Farm 69502 Cty Rd 543 218-376-4429 Rus c furniture from locally harvested northern white cedar, such as half log benches. Take Hwy 65 north of Togo about 6 miles to Itasca Cty 543, turn right (north) and go 1 mile. KANABEC Ogilvie • Pleasurewoods Farm 1385 Hwy 47 320-420-3614 [email protected] Natural beef, quarters, halves and whole. All forage fed or grain fed. Call for orders. KOOCHICHING Interna onal Falls • Aitchison’s Produce 3588 Hwy 53 218-244-2239 aitch2@fron Facebook: BonnieAitchison LAKE Two Harbors • Hull’s Sawmill 3173 E. Alger Grade 218-834-5246 [email protected] We produce custom lumber orders, such as flooring, siding, paneling, window casing, trailer decking and trim from our millworks. We also produce cabin logs, beams and decking lumber, animal bedding, rough cut farm lumber, as well as those “hard to find” moldings. Located 12 miles north of Two Harbors on Co Rd 2. LINCOLN Any quan ty for fresh ea ng, storage, baking or canning. We are located .5 mile NW of Silver Lake on Co Rd 16. Hendricks • Buller Gardens 1227 Co Hwy 16 507-275-3089 [email protected] Facebook: Buller Gardens Fresh picked vegetables, fall ornamentals, pumpkins, squash, bedding plants, canning quan es available on pre-order. Appointments desired. From Hendricks, go 6 miles south and .25 miles east on Lincoln Co Hwy 16, south side of road. LYON Marshall • Seek-Fresh Gardens 125 F Street 507-532-3827, 507-530-5076, 507-531-0965 Fresh, naturally grown vegetables, canned salsa, jams, jellies, pickles, homemade scrubbies, herbs and farm fresh eggs as available. MARTIN Fairmont • Harvest Star Gardens 2287 105th St 507-235-9806 [email protected] We have been growing our own fruits and vegetables for over 40 years. We are now selling our wide selec on of fresh produce and baked goods at the Fairmont Famers Market on Tuesdays 3-6 p.m. and Saturday morning 8 a.m.-Noon. Customers can also call or email us for large or special orders. We monitor our quality by measuring sugar content using the Brix scale to get nutrient dense fruits and vegetables. Healthier soil equals high quality! • Timberlake Orchard 174 200th Ave 507-235-2648 [email protected] MEEKER Eden Valley • MicBri Acres 35300 MN Hwy 22 South 320-221-1943 [email protected] We sell mul ple varie es of locally grown garlic. Available in September and October, while supplies last. Choose your favorite apple from the 27 varie es we grow on our family farm. Popular ones include SweetTango, Honeycrisp, Zestar, Gingergold, Regent, Haralson and Fireside. Our beehives provide local great tas ng honey. We also grow tomatoes, peppers, squash, red and black raspberries. Pick your own or pre-picked pumpkins. Store open mid-August to November 21. Call ahead in July for vegetables. Located 9 miles south of Fairmont on Co Rd 41 on east side of road. MCLEOD Brownton • Old Stone Bri sh Whites 15506 90th St 320-583-0110 bolson@ oldstonebri 100% grass fed beef – quarters, halves and whole. Call for pricing and availability. Glencoe • Dunlooken Farm 10585 Hwy 212 612-581-3982 [email protected] Dunlooken Farm is primarily a CSA farm, but we do sell a variety of fresh picked heirloom vegetables from our roadside stand. A large variety of pumpkins available in October. Saturdays 9 a.m.-Noon, mid-June through October or join E-Pick. We also give horseback riding lessons. Our farm is located 4 miles west of Glencoe just west of mile marker 117 on the south side of Hwy 212. Silver Lake • Shimanski Orchard 11155 200th St 320-327-0112 [email protected] Apples and pears available from August 15-October. Tree ripened, fresh picked or pick your own. Hutchinson • The Lamb Shoppe 61231 MN Hwy 7 320-587-6094 [email protected] Facebook: TheLambShoppe&WellnessCenter Grassfed meats - lamb, beef, chicken, eggs, turkeys. Organic foods, herbs, wellness consultants. Available year round. Store farm hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Located 10 miles west of Hutchinson on Hwy 7. MOWER Rose Creek • Three Sisters Garlic 18113 610th Ave 507-437-2726 Garlic varie es, fresh picked vegetables, home baked goods. .75 mile north of Rose Creek off Hwy 56. MURRAY Slayton • Stonegate Orchard 1571 116th St 507-836-8373 We sell fresh orchard apples, frozen apple pies, jams, honey, pumpkins and gi items. Open daily during September and October. Located 2 miles north of Slayton on Hwy 59. NICOLLET New Ulm • Guldan Family Farm 46198 561st Ave 507-359-2543 [email protected] Facebook: Guldan Family Farm 25 acres of produce provide strawberries, raspberries, melons, asparagus , peas, beans, canning tomatoes, sweet corn and most