Sundog Creative Strategist
Jason Jacobson
What are some of the areas
Sundog does work in for Otter
Tail Power Company?
2000 44th St. S, Fargo
"We run three buckets of
campaigns for them on a regular
1. General awareness – "We're
present in your community.
We're a positive influence."
2. Stewardship-based – "Here
are the specific ways we're
giving back to your community.
For example, a couple years
ago, we were trying to get
Otter Tail customers to switch
from receiving a paper bill to
paperless billing. If you signed
up for this – it was basically just
a short, digital form – we would
donate X amount of dollars to
different charities."
3. Conservation – "The
Department of Energy's
regulators have certain
benchmarks they want you to
hit. Because what they're trying
to do is reduce the burden on
the electric system. So that
might mean a program where
you're buying a new electric
water heater that gets you on
off-peak rates. It might be, in
the summers, going on efficient
time-of-delivery. It's called the
Cool Savings program. You're
agreeing to cycle your A/C off
and on for 15 minutes during
peak hours."
Sundog Interactive has a very
specific marketing approach
they take with their roughly 75
Understand your customers and
their unique journeys through
research and in-depth industry
expertise. Then deliver the right
message, through the right
channel, at the right time.
Customize your content and
cut through the clutter with big
ideas that connect and engage
your customers. Every step of
the way.
Optimize and integrate
technology platforms to produce
the best results. All fueled with
cutting-edge innovation and
Measure every step of your
customer's journey with
powerful analytics, so you can
understand what results you're
driving – and what's driving
those results.