didn’t think they’d get pulled in. And then, all
of a sudden, instead of having one company,
you’ve got multiple people with different
values and different ideas of where they think
the company should go.
“It’s why I think NDSU has been so successful
the last 10 years. They’ve recruited people
with the same values to build that culture.
Everyone has that personality or values that
they build this culture around, and these
freshmen come in, they see it, and they strive
to be just like the guy above them. It starts at
the top with – Coach Bohl, he recruited the
right guys to get the right culture and Coach
Klieman has continued it – and I think that’s
why good teams are successful is because
they build around culture. They’re not going
out there just to get the most talented guy all
the time.”
Hash Interactive recently moved into
the Prairie Den in Downtown Fargo.
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