Fargo INC! August 2016 | Page 49

Feminist First Friday Join this group of the North Dakota Women's Network for fun, casual gatherings and meet other equalityminded folks in your area. Now in six communities: Bismarck, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Minot and Valley City. ndwomen.org/events Bismarck in March. The intent of the luncheons is to create a very intimate experience with audience participation and open discussion among the panelists about their experiences as women leaders of varying backgrounds. trainingnd.com/womenowned-business/nd-leadingladies-luncheons Let's Talk Business Giving Hearts Day Giving Hearts Day makes space for charities to share their stories, connect with new givers and become skillful in a proven "friend-raising" system. It has become a gateway for people to connect to causes doing good work in areas they passionately care about. dakmed.org/giving-hearts-day Leading Ladies Luncheon The Center for Technology & Business holds two Leading Ladies Luncheons annually to Celebrate Women’s History Month featuring women panelists representing a variety of historic roles in the state. The luncheons honor women who have made an impact on the history of North Dakota and are held in Fargo and Meet like-minded neighbors and colleagues with similar goals and aspirations for the Moorhead business community. Each week, the Moorhead Business Association (MBA) meets at the Fryn’ Pan Restaurant on Highway 10 in Moorhead, where they conduct their “Let’s Talk Business” breakfast meetings. Each week, a different speaker from a local or regional business, school or nonprofit shares valuable business strategies and opportunities. MBA members also share news and ideas with each other. moorheadbusinessassociation. org/about/benefits Midwest Mobile Summit The Midwest Mobile Summit is a two-day conference that connects the public with mobile strategy and mobile technology pioneers across the nation. Conference keynotes, breakout sessions, and case studies will give attendees the tools to create and execute mobile strategies, ultimately keeping them ahead of the curve. midwestmobilesummit.com