Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #20 November 2015 | Page 79

I stop and look back at Susan and Darren’s retreating figures. They seem oblivious to any disturbance. As they round the corner, the curtain falls back across the window, extinguishing the light. *** I sit beside my mother as she watches the television. I think she’s starting to sense me now. Sometimes she stops when I whisper I love you in her ear. She cocks her head to one side and smiles, as though listening to distant music. She’s smiling now as she watches the breaking news. Police have just arrested a twenty nine year old man for the murder of Lisa Ryan. Officers attended his home to speak with him about a reported burglary at the premises. Neighbours have told us police left the house, only to return with a warrant after an anonymous tip off. The man became aggressive, resulting in a scuffle and his subsequent arrest. Upon entering the premises, police discovered several bags of illegal drugs along with evidence tying the suspect to the disappearance, rape and murder of the fifteen year old girl with a bright future. I glance at my mother. She’s smiling through the silent tears that trickle down her face. Everything begins to fade. The darkness recedes as the light breaks through, opening its arms, calling me home. I lean forward and embrace my mother. Her body shudders in recognition. “You can rest now baby girl,” she says. “Go find your daddy. He’ll take care of his pumpkin. I love you.” Her tears are streaming now, her eyes are red and swollen, but still she smiles. “I will always love you.” I release her from my arms. Her voice grows distant, the room is fading… …fading… …fading… Avaliable on Amazon 79