Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #20 November 2015 | Page 45

stared at Illya. “I felt that… You’re real. You’re all real!” “Eh...” The redhead held out a hand and shook it side to side. “Not quite.” “Huh?” “You’re dreaming,” Illya said kindly. “That explains the ceiling,” the writer said with a nod. Bahar grinned again. She felt her heart skip a beat at the sheer impact of those fangs. “Could you not… smile?” The writer stuttered and added, “It’s just…. Big fangs. Really big.” Bahar chuckled deeply. She could’ve sworn she felt the ground rumble. “As you like.” The writer grasped for sanity. “So this is a dream.” “Yes,” Illya answered. “But… why are all of you here?” “We’d like to talk to you,” the redhead said. “Avenel,” the writer said instantly, recognizing the bard. “In the flesh,” she said with a ݥ