Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #17 August 2015 | Page 64

a man who should have been dead crawled towards them, trying to bite them. A man who should have been dead, a man who was dead? “I have seen, may Allah protect me, I have seen such things. Things that cannot be, that should not be. Things against God’s law. Each time I am too late, each time he has done his evil and moved on. But this time God himself guided me. He took a book from my village, a book so old it comes from before God. Some call it the Book of Asheb, most call it the Book of Unread Pages. It is a dark and terrible thing; it holds power over the dead and the living and over beasts and men. # General Summerby broke the silence. “Gentlemen. It seems that we no longer have the time for a siege. We must take this nest of rebels and we must do so today.” He has sought to unlock the secrets of the book, only one thing stood between him and its power, the knowledge of how to open the book itself. That is why he came here, that is what he sought. If he is not stopped then he will call the dead to come forth and serve him. He will claim not just Egypt for his kingdom but the world. He must be stopped, Allah speaks to me in my dreams, he shows me the power that the book holds, he shows me the world given over to the dead. He has learned how to read the book, now he has learned to open it. He is learning to use its power. He will grow stronger as he reads more of the book; his power will grow as he performs the rituals within. If he is not stopped he will call armies from the realm of the dead. He opened the book and on that day he called one back from the realm of the dead, now he has called more. Tomorrow he may call dozens or hundreds. He is here and we must stop him.” The officers had sat and listened to what had been said, Doctor Adler had been filling a small book with notes. But every face showed the same expression. Disbelief at a story that should have been utterly ridiculous, magic books, summoning the dead. These were