Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #17 August 2015 | Page 55

Margo got back to counting the heads around her. One, two, three, four, five, six heads. She did a double take then counted more carefully again One, two, three, four? Her eyes widened, but before she could say anything, tendrils wrapped around Lucas’s torso and pulled him down. “You don’t really think she will hurt me?” “I’ve learned that when Margo is pissed you need a blast radius.” “All right! Tunnels underneath the screen!” the clerk shouted. “Where’s its lair?” Margo growled. “A storage unit, edge of town. Key is on that hook!” the guy was shaking, his voice squeaky. Margo dropped him on the floor and motioned the keys to her. “Who the hell are you?” The ticket salesman was hiding under the table. He was obviously scared out of his mind. *** “Where is it!” A livid demonic Margo had grabbed the ticket salesman by the neck. about.” “I don’t know what -- khkh -- you are talking “Drop the act. Tendrils, lives in dark spaces, likes a cool climate. Spill before I break your spine through your throat.” Jake was standing in front of Patrick, making sure he stayed as far away as possible. lightly. “He’s not a demon I checked.” Patrick said “He’s not who I’m wary of.” Jake was cautiously observing Margo. He had never seen her so pissed off. Her reaction to his perceived death was a friendly hello compared to this. Margo stopped for a moment, then replied “The Huntress.” She left, heading for the car. “Ok, how do we do this?” Patrick asked, as he and Jake followed her. “I have never been up against --” “You two don’t. I do.” Margo’s voice was dark. “You are crazy.” Jake retorted. “You can’t possibly go up against that alone!” Margo stopped and turned around. Her face was rigid, filled with anger. “I put him there! I’m the one with the past, I’m the one with all the bottled up feelings and damaged psyche. I was supposed to be its lunch. I’m not gonna let you to risk yourselves for my mistake.” Margo got in the car. “I can get him out.” “You can but get him out but you can’t get both of you out!” Jake put his hand on the door. Margo 55